Feb 06, 2009 01:42
Tell me why filmmakers waste a good cast with a shit ass script? I made the mistake of watching Almost Famous tonight. Bor-ing. I hate movies where you keep waiting for the movie to actually start. Whatever happened to character arcs, three acts and an actual plot? The only Cameron Crowe films I like are Say Anything (actually I LOVE this movie. I made an ex of mine buy me the poster, yes the one of Lloyd with the boombox - duh! hahaha) and, of course, Fast Times at Ridgemont High which in all actuality is not one of the better 80's movies but still a classic.
Needless to say I wish I had gone to bed instead of watching this movie. I taped it on the DVR a week or so ago on a whim. Thankfully it has been expunged from the hard drive before the credits even finished. This is just another crappy movie in a long string of crappy movies I have recently watched. That's what HBO and a DVR get me. Other recent bad viewing choices have been Laurel Canyon, and I can't remember what else cuz THEY SUCKED. Now that I've downgraded my cable package (HBO, Starz and Encore are gone along woth some other channels I actually miss) hopefully I won't get suckered into watching more shitty movies.
Damn this recent bout of insomnia. Since I can't get to sleep at a decent hour I end up subjecting myself to these craptacular feats of film making. And tonight looks like another late night being that it is already 2:00am and I feel nowhere near sleepy. I'm going to get in bed and hope that sleep overcomes me sometime before 4:00am. Ugh.
Why do all the mood icons on here BLOW?!?! Seriously people, can't you make something decent? If I wasn't a cheapass, I'd get a paid account and make my own...