On Saturday I decided to climb Granite Mountain. There was a really long trail to get up to the actual climbing. Fire lookouts interest me so that was the reason I chose this particular mountain.
After first few miles on the trail and sweating.
Plants vs. mountains.
If you look really closely in the center of the picture you can just see the fire lookout.
A lot of the rocks were bigger than me, but I saw how the mountain got it's name.
You had to have a key to get inside, but next time I will.
This is the view around the tower.
Going down the mountain was much scarier. The whole hike took me about 7 hours and I was running down the last leg of the trail in the dark with a little keychain flashlight. I did stop a lot on the way up though, to read, write and eat snacks! I like snacks! I think as soon as I can walk again that I will start hiking as much as possible because I love it. But right now my whole body is sore from the climbing and pulling myself up onto those ginormous rocks.