On the 4th Day of Christmas, I got Sick...

Dec 28, 2008 20:39

Did you expect me to rhyme? Let me try to keep this short, as my entire body feels as durable as jelly noodles...

For Christmas, I got Disgaea 3 and Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm from my sister (which I was expecting) and a Kodak Digital Camera (which I wasn't expecting)! I played around with it, but I had to settle for taking pictures of nature, since hardly anyone was brave enough to let me take pictures of them... Naruto UNS is as good as I thought it would be! I hate the facts that there isn't a practice mode (because that means I had to see what certain characters' attacks do in actual combat without knowing what the heck they can do), that characters only have one ougi, and that the only Sound Five available is Kimimaro... I am happy, though that Choji and Gaara aren't as slow as they were in the Ultimate Ninja games for PS2. Gaara's my combo beast! Disgaea 3 is fun, though a bit confusing so far. I hate the classroom system because it means that I have to give up mana just to be able to make more characters. And now, I have those Godforsaken Prism Rangers in my class and CAN'T GET THEM OUT!! >x< But it does make up for that in humor and comedy! (Recently heard quote: "When you make an assumption, you make an ass out of u and mption, weddo." "...Who the hell is mption?!") I also got SingStar Vol. 2 for the PS3, which isn't very good with only one person and only 30 songs...most of which, I don't even know, earrings, a perfume set and clothes.

Naruto's gonna be badass in the next chapter of Shippuuden! ^__^
I have seen the spoilers on NarutoFan. He comes back with  a badass jacket like his father's--I remember it being black and red! He also makes easy work on one of Pein's bodies. I can't wait to see that chapter...

I'm also excited about the English dubs of Naruto Shippuuden that VIZ's gonna do in January. I hope we can download them online. I wanna see it in English no matter how many people say the dub version sucks!

Which reminds me, I now wanna write a NarutoxDisgaea 3 crossover fic now with Naruto as a half-demon Delinquent Honor Student. Maybe I'll write out a few sketches for chapters after finishing SiNful Rose. That's what happens when you play both of those games one after the other...! (T__T) Or maybe that's my sickness talking.

I hope to post Naruto X and the final chapter of SiNful Rose before I go back to school. I wanna at least finish one more story before I have to go back and get into the chaos of college registrations... On a good note, my sister's coming to visit on Tuesday, so maybe these last few days won't be so bad. I hope my throat clears up so I can go out with her.

disgaea, manga, anime, fan fiction, naruto, christmas

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