I'm Frozen To Her

Oct 11, 2010 10:08

Toni Maire Iommi
Title: I'm Frozen To Her
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: The usual shiz :)
Summary: If She Only Knew...
Disclaimer: As real as I am made of jello. I am not made of jello.

Sorry for the delay, Ace.

A knock was heard from Sali and Stephanie’s front door. “Do you want me to get that, Sal?” Stephanie offered, not looking away from the book she was immersed in. “It’s okay, I’ve got it.” Sali made her way to the door, opening it to find Ville. “Ville…hi.” She greeted quietly. “Can we talk for a minute?” he asked, shuffling his feet slightly. “Sure. You want to come inside?” Sali moved aside, offering for him to enter the building. “Okay, but only for a few minutes; I’m supposed to be at work.” He spoke as he entered the house, taking a few steps before turning to face Sali.

“Sali, I need to apologise for the other night - I shouldn’t have acted like that.” “Ville, the only thing I want to know is what made you turn against Linde like that; I thought you two were best friends.” “I thought we were too…but things change. I’m sorry you had to witness that.” Ville truly was sorry that Sali was there to witness how immature he was; and now knowing that she and Linde had got together previously, he knew that she wouldn’t exactly be pleased with his actions.

“Knowing him, he probably deserved it.” Sali mumbled to herself. “Well anyway, I need to get to work. I just needed to tell you that.” Ville spoke as he let himself out the door. “I’ll talk to you later, Vil.” Sali closed the door behind him. “Sal, your life is far too complicated.” Stephanie commented from her stop on the sofa, once again not looking up from her book.

“Thanks, I didn’t realise.” Sali responded sarcastically, “Maybe it’s best that I don’t keep this baby. I mean, all it’s going to do is cause problems.” She planted herself next to Stephanie on the sofa. “What ever happened to ‘He has as much of a say in the matter as I do’?” Stephanie put her book down, taking note of where she was in her page. “I don’t know if I can face him, though. Seeing him the other night…”

“Don’t tell me you liked what you saw? Hell no, I’m not letting that happen.” Stephanie said in a mini freak out. “I can’t help it…after being with him all those times, it’s hard to let it go.” “That’s it - you’re coming with me, and we’re going out tonight; and you will find a new man.” Stephanie pulled Sali up to the bedroom to get her ready for a night out.

“You know, I really shouldn’t be here.” Sali commented as Stephanie pulled her through the crowds of people. “Oh shush, it’s not like you have to drink. Just enjoy yourself; you might meet someone new.” “I don’t want to…” “Oh stop dragging yourself down; you’re better than that.” Stephanie corrected; it was her idea that Sali get out and meet someone new in hopes of replacing her feelings for Linde.

However, Sali didn’t agree on this plan of action; she didn’t want to go anywhere, let alone to meet new people. She still had strong feelings for that man - and they weren’t going away anytime soon. “This is stupid; I feel horrible.” Sali spoke to her friend as they parked themselves next to the bar; Stephanie ordering herself a drink once they got there, “Oh shush, woman!”

“Hey…can I buy you a drink?” an unfamiliar voice asked. Without looking at who had asked, Sali replied with ‘No thanks.” “Suit yourself.” He spoke before walking away. “Sali! What are you doing? That could have been the man of your dreams.” Stephanie screeched, appalled at her behaviour. “The man of my dreams already broke my heart; you really think I want to find someone else who will do that to me?” she sighed and looked at the various amounts of people; far too many people for her liking.

Sali was never that good in crowds; that was one of the many things that her and Linde had in common. “The next guy that comes along, you’ll be dancing with him. No ifs, ands or buts about it.” “Dude, I don’t dance. You know that.” Sali attempted to get out of her predicament, but with no success. “I don’t care, you’re meeting someone new tonight if it’s the last thing I do.”

Several minutes later, and after Stephanie had consumed a few drinks, Sali was approached by another man who asked her if she wanted to dance with him. “She’d love to!” Stephanie interrupted, making sure this time Sali couldn’t say no. Sali shot an evil look towards Stephanie before agreeing; taking the man’s hand and walking to the dance floor.

Stephanie watched for a few minutes, smiling to herself because of her success. It wasn’t long before her smile turned sour as she noticed a certain familiar face in the crowd of people. “Damn….don’t let him see me.” She spoke to herself. This familiar face walked up to the bar, taking a seat next to Stephanie. “Hey.” He said. “Hey. What do you want, Linde?” she asked; she was extremely annoyed with his presence. “Nothing…just thought I’d say hi…” he trailed off as he took a sip of his drink.

Stephanie looked at him, “Sure you did. She’s not interested, Linde. Leave her alone.” “Look, can you just tell her I need to talk to her…it’s somewhat important.” He asked, noticing Stephanie had turned back to looking out at the people; at someone in particular. He followed her line of sight to find Sali; dancing with some random guy he’d never seen before. “Who…is that…with her…?” he watched her as if she was his possession; jealousy forming in his eyes, “…with Sali?” “It’s none of your business, Linde. Just go already.” Stephanie swatted him away.

Sali noticed Linde talking to Stephanie, and the look that flashed across his eyes. She knew he was jealous; he’d been jealous of any man that looked her way from the moment their ‘relationship’ began. She decided to show him exactly what he was missing; after all, he was the one who broke it off with her, right?

As skilfully as she could muster, Sali proceeded to turn her body around so that her assets were smack dab against the man's crotch. Trying her best to look and be sexy, she ground herself against him slowly. “Woo! Girl you get some!” Stephanie called to her friend, receiving a wide smile from her in response. Linde shot Stephanie a death glare, causing her to silence immediately. “Okay…” she said to herself, “…that’s awkward.”

Before Sali had a chance to realise it, Linde had made his way over to the pair. “What the fuck is this?!” he said as he shoved the man away from her. “Linde, what are you doing?!” Sali screeched and tried to get Linde off of him. “Me? You’re the one grinding all up on this…thing!” Linde scowled at the man who backed away; Linde was kind of intimidating when he was angry. “Look man, she never said she had a man. I swear!”

“He’s not my man!” she squealed, “I’m sorry about this, I have to go.” She told him before making her way over to Stephanie, who sat watching this amusing scene play out. “Thanks, Steph, but I gotta go.” Sali told her, avoiding Linde and walking to the exit. Linde followed her out; he didn’t want her to walk around alone, it wasn’t the safest thing to do; especially now that he had unintentionally caused her to go out there. On top of that, he thought maybe this was a good chance to talk to her and hope that she’ll hear him out.

“Sali, wait up.” Linde called out as he attempted to catch up with her. “Why? So you can act like a jerk again?” She spoke as she continued walking. “Sali, please.” He spoke as he finally caught up to her, placing his hand on her shoulder to stop her. “What do you want, Linde?” she stopped and turned to face him. “I…I just want to talk to you.” He smiled slightly; he’d missed being so close to her. “Well…I don’t want to talk to you, Linde.” She attempted to pull away, but found Linde’s grip on her just too strong.

“You have no idea how much being away from you has made me miss you.” He linked his fingers through hers. “You didn’t seem like you’d missed me when you showed up at the airport.” She pulled her hands away from his. “You ran to Ville…what was I supposed to do? On top of that, you didn’t seem overly pleased to see me…” he reached for her hands, linking his fingers with hers once again. “Why would I have been? You made it pretty clear last time we talked…”

“I was stupid, I never meant for this to happen, any of this.” “Then why did you act like that? You made it pretty convincing when you told me you didn’t want me.” She pulled her hands free once more; she didn’t want to let him win her over yet again. “I…I only did that because I…really like you, I’m just not the best person for you; I’m bad for you.” He explained, wanting nothing more than to hold her and never let go.

Why do I have to feel this way…
You’d be so much better off if I left you alone…

“Why can’t you just leave me be then?” she was beginning to get rather frustrated with his explaining skills - or lack thereof. “Because I want to be with you, Sali; I want to try and make it work between us.” He looked into her eyes; searching for a response. “She told you…didn’t she?” Sali stepped back slightly. “Told me what?” His expression turned to confusion as he spoke.

“You’re a jerk, Linde. Just forget it.” Sali said before walking away; she was over talking, she couldn’t handle dealing with him at this point. “Please don’t go...please.” He begged; he knew he’d have to think of something quick, or she would keep walking away; away and out of his life. “No, Linde. As soon as I think I’m over you, you tell me you like me; that you want me, but we shouldn’t be together. Which is it? I’m over you messing with me like this.” She snapped at him; demanding an answer.

Bloody hell…
I keep screwing things up…
What am I supposed to say…?

He looked her in the eyes, “Please…don’t be upset. The last thing I want for i-is to upset you.” He stammered; he had no idea what to say to make things right. “It’s far too late for that, Linde. If you like me and want me like you say you do, then why won’t you be with me? Stop telling me you’re bad for me, I’ll be the judge of that.” “You don’t understand; it’s not my place to tell you…” he stopped abruptly, closing his mouth in the attempt of not saying anything more.

“Not your place? This is to do with you and Ville isn’t it?” Sali was far too confused with this situation; something was being hidden from her for a while now, and she wanted to know what. “I-I can’t say…” he diverted his eyes, looking away from hers for the first time since they had connected those few minutes earlier. “…look, forget about that. Give me another chance; I really think we could make this work…you and me.” He took her hands in his once again.

Seconds of silence passed; Sali desperately wanting to pull away but not being able to. “Tell me what you want. Whatever it is, I’ll do it.” he looked her in her blue eyes; searching for a hint of the girl he was falling harder for with every moment that passed. “What I want?” she confirmed his statement, her eyes becoming rather cold when his glance met hers. “Yeah.” He spoke softly, almost inaudibly. “I wanted you, Linde. That’s all I ever wanted.” Linde stood silenced for a moment; he had never expected her to say something so honest about her feelings for him before.

“It is?” “It was, Linde. Not anymore.” She didn’t particularly want to say this to him, but she had to; for her sake. She immediately began to walk away; wanting as much distance between him and herself as possible. “But…” Linde spoke as she rapidly faded into the distance. “…I love you.” He continued softly, knowing she didn’t hear him.


Chapter 23
Chapter 22
Chapter 21
Chapter 20
Chapter 19
Chapter 18
Chapter 17
Chapter 16
Chapter 15
Chapter 14
Chapter 13
Chapter 12
Chapter 11
Chapter 10
Chapter 9
Chapter 8
Chapter 7
Chapter 6
Chapter 5
Chapter 4
Chapter 3
Chapter 2
Chapter 1

ville, i'm frozen to her, linde

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