the comeback

Aug 18, 2008 19:46

I'm back, after a long hiatus from blogging. My world has been spinning so fast I haven't bothered to assert my online presence much apart from YM, orgwork and school related emails, and other relatively boring internet purposes. For some reason I've decided to revive my blogging (this blog alone in particular) under the pretense of helping me relieve stress.

This caught my eye last sunday afternoon:

Goodness, this is one depressing book. I was beginning to be all too comfortable and happy with being stout and round. This book is a good wake up call, reminding me that I must learn to conform to the ever-so-cliche standard of beauty. Tyra Banks you are a liar! Society has not changed to celebrate all shapes and sizes, and whoever claims otherwise is a liar.

In my defiant attempt to reject such pathetic conformity I only end up disappointed to find out that being fat has very tangible disadvantages. My sister conveniently cited me a study where skinny and fat women were paired up and made to appear to have relatively equal qualifications, then they made a sample of respondents decide which ones they would hire. And to no surprise, results showed that most of the respondents chose to hire the skinny ones over the fat ones. Therefore, being fat might have real consequences to my future career. As my mom conveniently put it, "Everyone pretends that your weight doesnt matter, but really dear you will find out that it does." Ofcourse she didnt forget to mention that when she was 25 she weighed a mere 90 pounds. So I figure that gives me a good five years to trim down to carry-on-luggage weight.

And so I resolve that I will become a sell-out and live by the oppressive yet true mold of the skinny bitch. Since I am allergic to exercise, I'll probably stay away from it in the meantime but starting next week I will not eat red meat, white rice, ice cream, doughnuts, hot monay with cheese, and will drink only water (should I be drinking alcohol I will only drink Light beer. Bye bye Strong Ice, Red Horse, and Margaritas at Cantina and Tomato Kick).

The bitch part, I have to figure out quite a bit first because the book didn't come with instructions for that part.

conformity, skinny bitch, pathetic

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