Home Again, Home Again

Jan 21, 2007 23:58

[Day 50, 8:23 PM - Blood Pledge Castle]

It had been a long month. )

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sekinin January 22 2007, 04:36:47 UTC
He's tired, and in more ways than one, but somehow riding through the city and up into the Palace walls is . . . refreshing. He's home. The whole ride through, his eyes lingered on everything, drinking it all in and noting the minor changes. Everything had been rebuilt. Everything seemed so . . . normal.

He craves the return to normal.

The stables are clean and neat and familiar, but as soon as he enters the Palace proper, he hears it: the gasps; the whispers; the surprise. The happiness . . .

And then the thunder of footsteps and a familiar, welcoming shout: “Conrad! Yozak! Welcome hooooome!”

It's instinct that bids him to turns around to face the master stairs, and he does so just as a flying bundle of overjoyed Maou hits him. He's suddenly glad that Chichiue's training is so merciless; a month ago, an armful of Maou-turned-rocket would have floored him.

He smiles, unable to help it and unable to deny himself the simple pleasure of Yuuri's surprisingly uncomplicated embrace. It's hard not to be completely sucked in by those large, dark eyes.

"Heika," he says quietly, trying to bow as best he can with the teenager clinging to him. "It's good to be home."


yuuri_maou January 22 2007, 04:47:31 UTC
"Conrad," Yuuri can't keep the smile off his face, his heart overjoyed, not even to summon an admonishing look at that title. "You named me, didn't you? Don't be so formal." He hugs Conrad again, his excitement bubbling over like a pot with too much rice.

"Did you get my letters? I got yours." He pauses and then tries "My English is get better." Ugh, such an ugly language anyway. "Don't you think? Murata says it's the practice."


sekinin January 22 2007, 04:59:52 UTC
He chuckles. It's hard not to. "Yes," he repeats in the same tongue. "You've done an excellent job. Geika and Jen-sama must be very proud. And we heard about Greta's tooth," he says, shifting back to Mazoku as he shifted slightly to draw Yozak back into the conversation. "You and Wolfram had to be pleased."

His own letters home had been very short for the most part; fluff to ease the mind--nothing substantive. Yuuri and Lawrence were the only ones who had written him back, but Yuuri's letter had eased his mind greatly. Also fluff, but news on his family, which put some of his fears at rest, and some palace news to balance the very cursory information Lawrence had been giving him as well.


yuuri_maou January 22 2007, 05:11:23 UTC
He laughs sheepishly, more at the fact that he only got the barest gist of what Conrad was saying. Something about Murata and his mother..... but he is pretty sure that COnrad said that he's doing a good job, and he tries not to glow to much as the praise.

"Was the trip hard? I know it's getting colder. Not as cold as it gets in Japan, but I've heard that some of the roads are freezing. That ice can be tricky for horses." He hugs Conrad one last time, just to reassure himself that the man is alive and well and back, and then steps back and smiles at Yozak.

For a moment, as he looks at Yozak, the Maou swirls just behind his eyes. Good job, Gurrier. And then is lost again.

"It's good to have you both back."


missbiceps January 22 2007, 05:30:34 UTC
That almost seemed like praise. Yozak smiles slightly. The king's exuberance...Conrad's happiness...is all makes him forget his weariness for a moment.

"Good to be back," he sighs. "Can't wait to have a real home-cooked meal, either; you wouldn't believe the stuff they were serving us in Shimeron."

And it is good to be back. Everything in the foyer looks just like it had a month ago, but even a pleasure as simple as seeing Shin Makoku's colors flying on the battlements again is refreshing.


yuuri_maou January 22 2007, 05:46:54 UTC
"Food?" He smacks himself on the forehead with the heel of his hand. How could he be so stupid and inconsiderate! "Sorry, sorry! Of course, it's late, and you both must be tired and hungry. There is lots of food in the kitchen, I'm sure one of the cooks would be glad to make you anything you want. We're going to have a celebration tomorrow anyway, so there is more suff than usual. And that's a lot anyway."


missbiceps January 22 2007, 06:02:52 UTC

He's a bit curious to know what it's for - surely the Maou couldn't have planned when they would be returning that closely - but then his stomach growls softly, reminding him that he doesn't really care what it's for, as long as it's food and it's been prepared well for a change.

"That sounds like an invitation I can't pass up," he says. He pats Conrad once on the shoulder before turning and heading towards the kitchen. Hopefully someone's made more of those lemon bars...


sekinin January 22 2007, 06:09:23 UTC
He watches Yozak go for a moment and then looks around to find himself alone in the foyer with the Maou.

Odd . . . I didn't see Chichiue bolt. Old bastard probably slipped off when I was distracted.

He turns back to the Maou with a smile. "Celebration? What for?"


yuuri_maou January 22 2007, 06:14:03 UTC
He beams. "For your return, of course. We were able to narrow it down to a window of a week with an extra two days for side trips. Your mother helped with what dishes to prepare that are your favorite." His eyes soften fondly. "We've been waiting for a long time for you to come home, Conrad. It's good to see you again."

He tilts his head up and smiles. "Promise you won't leave for awhile?"


sekinin January 22 2007, 06:26:54 UTC
He blinks, somewhat surprised. A party was the last thing he expected, but it should have been predictable. He feels a slight pang of guilt for having intentionally delayed their return for so long.

"I'm . . . honored," he murmurs, bowing. "I'm sure Yozak will be grateful, too."

His smile wavers for a flicker of a second as he looks into Yuuri's expectant eyes and he thinks of the resignation letter draft sitting in his saddlebags. Conrad bows again. "I will do my best, Hei--Yuuri."


yuuri_maou January 22 2007, 06:36:22 UTC
His smile widens brilliantly at the use of his first name. "I'm glad. It'll just be family and friends. Please tell Yozak that anyone he wants to invite from the barraks is welcome too. Anyone you two can think of who you want to be there."

He just wants Conrad to feel like he's back home, this is there he belongs. Part of him wants to ask what happened in Dai Shimeron, but a loud voice that sounds suspiciously like the Maou warns him not to stick his foot in his mouth.

"Now that you're back," he starts shyly, "Maybe we can play catch again. In anycase, I'll see you tomorrow for our run?"


sekinin January 23 2007, 02:49:23 UTC

Baseball suddenly seems so far away. Everything seems far away, actually, as though he had been away for years and years instead less than two months. He smiles down at the young King. "I'd like that. And tomorrow morning, I'll be there so that we can run together."

It was strange, of everything he desperately missed, simple things like baseball and jogging hadn't even crossed his mind, but now they seem so intrinsic to his life that it was a wonder he's gone a day without them.

"I've missed that."


yuuri_maou January 24 2007, 02:09:38 UTC
“I’ve missed it too.” It’s just not the same without Conrad. It sounds weird, but it’s always kinda been their thing. Something that they always did together. Stupid, yeah, but it’s important. He smiles again and squeezes Conrad’s hand. “It’s good to have you home, Conrad.” There is so much to catch up on, he doesn’t know where to even start.

But wait...

“Ah! I’m sorry!” A sheepish smile spreads over his face. “You must be hungry too, and tired.” And it’s okay if Conrad had to go now, because he’ll be there in the morning. He said so.


sekinin January 25 2007, 00:23:48 UTC
Conrad squeezes Yuuri's hand in return. "A bit tired," he admits, still smiling. "But I'll be fine. You should go back to your lessons, though. I can't imagine your tutor is too pleased that I've stolen you away."


yuuri_maou January 25 2007, 05:13:32 UTC
"Ahh," Yuuri shuffles his feet and grins up through his hair at Conrad. "It's late anyway. And I wasn't paying THAT much attention." He checks to make sure that Conrad doesn't look too disapproving of his naughty behavoir. "I'll try harder tomorrow though."


sekinin January 25 2007, 05:36:35 UTC
Conrad ruffles the young King's hair on instinct and then steps back, embarrassed by his own audacity. He covers the awkward moment with a slight cough. "I'm sure it will be fine, Heika."

He bows slightly, excusing himself. "By your leave, your Majesty?"

He has no intention of joining Yozak in the kitchen, but Yuuri need not know that. Yozak . . . Well, the two of them could use the time apart. Things had been difficult between them for several weeks . . . ever since the other man found out about the collar in fact. The slender band of leather seemed a bit tight tonight, actually.

Besides, he thought he'd heard something outside and even now his first instinct is to usher the Maou off to a safe place before investigating.


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