Sep 16, 2007 11:32
like a horse and carriage.
I went to my cousin's wedding last night and now I want to get married without having to be married afterwards. Right, so really I just want the dress. I dunno. I can't imagine marrying someone without being with them for years and years and decades first. Bobby and I have been together for 'bout 2 years now and I can't fathom marrying him any time soon. In regards to marriage, he's like, "yeah, been there, done that," and I'm like, "yeah, don't wannnna" so at least we're on the same page. Of course, we already live together, which is like being married without all of the commitment and the responsibility and the hard work. Plus if I want to, say, go to Peru, and he protests I can say, "umm, I love you and all but it's not like WE'RE MARRIED or anything. Geez. Are you stupid or something? What the hell is wrong with you? Seriously."
So that's why we're not getting married.