Oct 12, 2006 08:49
you know how on a child's first ever day of school, he gets up at like 5 am, carefully grooms himself, putting on the outfit he meticulously picked out the night before (provided he decided not to sleep in it after all, in which case he's smoothing it out), re-inventories all his new stationary in his new backpack, re-arranges his pencils and erasers and markers in his pencil-case, makes sure everything has his full name neatly printed it on it, and then just calmly sits on the edge of his bed, swinging his feet and waiting?
::swings feet::
let's just hope the school analogy ends there, and i can miss out on the eventual disillusionment after the realization that not only was there nothing to look foward to in the first place (unless you count mental anguish and intellectual frustration), but also that you're stuck doing this for the next 16-20 years of your life.
unless russ wants to get married?
swope's on a plane,