Nov 29, 2008 23:14
Well, it has been another long time since a last post, but hey, I have plenty of excuses. Such as not being anywhere near my flat and/or computer for the last 3-4weeks. This includes going to Canada (I was a Canada virgin) to present a paper at my first international conference (all very exciting and nerve wracking, but part and parcel of being a postgraduate research candidate), Stratford-upon-Avon, where yes, I SAW David Tennant in the flesh!!!!! in Love's Labour's Lost (didn't manage to get his autograph though due to being about 6 rows of people back at the stage door and him only being outside for a few minutes . . . but heck, in the flesh is in the flesh), and then Paris (I was a Paris virgin), which I fell in love with, Paris is such a poetically strange city, it is beauty, arrogance, timelessness, strange, scary, and intoxicating all at once.
AND now the insanity has really hit the fan - I am a love sick puppy and its slowly killing me. Oh to have these strong feelings for another human being, but feel like its going nowhere. An example, last week when I was in Paris B. called me to go out, but of course I couldn't, cause I was in Paris. SO this week I called him, and guess what, he's in Spain this weekend. So what did I do last night with my flatmate till two in the morning - sat on the computer looking at baby names that I will call B and my children (cause its really at that stage . . . NOT). Augh, frustration, frustration, frustration. The sad thing is that I don't pine after guys I am interested in, I will be all like, if you like me YAY!!! if not, well I will move on - but with B, well, he has really affected me and its driving me a little batty.
ANYWAY, I am applying to Leeds to do my PhD, to start next year. Wish me luck all goes well . . .