Jun 29, 2009 09:19
I am sitting at my desk at work eating a peanut butter granola bar. I have accepted that I'm going to have to quit smoking, but not of my own choice, which absolutely sucks. Without the availability of the cigarettes that I enjoy, what is the point anymore. The joy is gone. Dave made me paranoid about no longer being able to enjoy smoking. The thrill is totally gone.
I had come down with some kind of flu-something. That with a combination of cramps, disabled me for most of the weekend. I felt like my organs were going to make a guest appearance yesterday when I went bike riding with Dave, but alas I managed to keep my organs to myself, yet again. My throat is still scratchy and my ears are still clogged but I'm feeling better. I was hoping to ride my bike to work today, but I don't feel like I've gotten enough practice. I have this image of me, trying to ride down Mission street, only to fall and have my head crushed by the 14 bus. I've seen way too many Cronenberg movies.
If I eat one of these two bars in this wrapper, I will feel like I accomplished something. Granola isn't my favorite.
I have to drive the Bug on the Bay Bridge on Friday. Now, the Bay Bridge freaks me out anyway, so I don't have a whole lot going for me, especially since the Bug does not have a passenger mirror. I own a passenger mirror, but haven't installed it yet. Where those people in the 70s nuts, driving with no passenger mirrors? WTF?
I do love this little car though, but will it make it over the Bay Bridge? I guess we will find out on Friday.
There isn't much else to say. I'm performing on Friday and Dave is performing on Saturday. The places where my teeth used to be still hurt, actually even more than they did when I first had my teeth removed. I need to get new teeth soon. I'm still very lucky to have such an awesome boyfriend. I'm very, very lucky. (Right now, he may think I'm ticked off since there is clay and plaster all over my apartment, but the reality is that I'm just relieved that the new puppet mold came out ok and don't really care about the messiness of my apartment, because the contractor is coming to make more of a mess on Wednesday anyway.)
I'm looking forward to another long weekend. We've been talking about getting a pool, but in concept it seems like a good idea, but in reality, who knows if it is. We'll see.