have to wonder about a society that tries to censor reading material on the grounds of 'anti-family', 'nudity', and 'unsuitable for age group' (which in turn implies a very narrow conception of who graphic novels should be/are read by), but yet doesn't seem to have a problem with 'extreme violence'...
On the plus side of my day: I MET MIKE LEIGH AND HE IS AWESOME. I went to a preview screening of his new film, 'Another Year', at the GFT. The film was really moving, sad and funny and compassionate and generous, and there was a Q and A afterwards. (He gave as indepth an answer to what his favourite yoghurt is as he did to questions about his filmmaking process.) And when I made it out into the lobby, he was standing over by the side of the wall, putting on his scarf like any other pensioner, so I toddled over to him and said somethng like 'Thank you for making such good movies', and he was super-nice, and I've been all 'aaaaahhhhh' about it for the rest of the evening. He really was exactly the way you'd expect him to be from the films that he makes, and that just makes me...really happy, I guess. It's good to see good people making good art, and that art being recognized as something not just beneficial but integral to sociey. Inspiring in the best possible way.