Greenwich Meme Time

Sep 25, 2009 13:05

Because I'm feeling rather energetic with regards to writing today, I thought I'd be extra-ambitious, and bring up an old meme...
Comment with a prompt for any fandom you know I write, specify characters, and I'll reply with a one-sentence fic. 
I'll take a shot at any of the following (books, tv, movies):  BtVS, Harry Potter, Doctor Who/Torchwood, Firefly, The Joe Pitt Casebooks, Supernatural, Deadwood, Ginger Snaps, Aubrey & Maturin,  Steinbeck's Cannery Row, The Piano, Appaloosa...My fandom selection appears to be heavily weighted towards the fantastical, I'm afraid, but cross-overs are doubly welcome - Virgil Cole turning up in Deadwood? Maturin attempting to, er, make conversation with Ada McGrath while in polite society (the time frame doesn't quite work, but hey, it's fic.)? Bridget Fitzgerald outsnarking Dean Winchester? Mac trying to figure out what's up with the blue crate outside the Palace Flophouse?  Your wish is my command :-)

fic, meme, fandom

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