On Fictional Fanmixes

Sep 19, 2008 19:39

O.k., so as I understand it, fanmixes are basically mix-tapes comprised of  music that can be applied to certain situations/relationships/timelines within a fandom, and which act basically like an alternate soundtrack, right? What I want to know is if anyone out there compiles fanmixes based upon music that they think the character(s) likes or listens to, either in canon or fanon.
No particular reason for asking, just curious. So much of my own identity is bound up with music, it's always interesting to speculate about others, to the point where I'm reduced to analysing fictional characters' tastes...

In my world, the Ninth Doctor likes opera (Puccini and Mozart, mostly); Guy of Gisburne listens to  Rasputina in his quieter moments and death metal the rest of the time (anything with screaming really will do); Giles has sworn off all music for the time being; Kaylee likes the 5,6,7,8s and The Supremes; Hellboy is a fan of Patsy Cline; Donna Noble mostly sings along to the radio; Remus Lupin has tentatively branched out from jazz into James Brown and Janis Joplin, and Sirius Black still owns a pair of lime-green platform boots, and can, if badgered, sing  'Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars' in its entirety. (Severus Snape thinks that this is unbelievably immature and will not admit to tolerating anything other than the odd piece of Chopin.  Peter Pettigrew finds himself unaccountably whistling 'Sympathy for the Devil' at inappropriate moments.  No one knows what Voldemort listens to.)
Anyway, let me know if my world is congruous with anyone else's...Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?...(*static and fuzziness*)

the needle has landed, fandom

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