...jiggity jig, as they say. Though 'fat as a pig' would also apply. I spent the last five days eating a considerable amount of food and walking very little. The diet starts tomorrow. Leeds was Leedsish. I spent a great deal of time with relatives, which was lovely, but it is good to be home - there's only so much small talk I can make... It was a long haul today - the train was delayed (it was ever thus), and then V. came over to say goodbye before she left to go home to Germany for the summer, which was very nice indeed. We talked about Swedish men and people who steal laundry off of clotheslines.
V: 'They even stole the clothespegs.
Me: I suppose they're hygenic. Or they have a fetish.
V: *Makes clothespeg opening and closing movements with her fingers and a sneaky face, which was very funny at the time - doesn't translate so well to the page though, does it?*
Soooo, moving swiftly on, the quote of the day has to come from A, discussing R.'s dissertation on the urban geography of naked cycling activists: 'Why can't my thesis involve interviewing naked people I met on Facebook?'
On the Doctor Who front, I finally got around to seeing 'Silence in the Library', and have no shame in admitting that I was on the edge of my seat throughout.. .
The dialogue in particular rocked. In bullet points:
- Dr. Moon: Goodie or baddie? and the Little Girl: poltergeist crossed with the little girl in 'Fear Her' and the even creepier little girl from The Ring, what with the phone and the TV acting up, yes?
- Donna's line about how everything ends in death with the Doctor - am beginning to fear greatly for her...
- The lights in the hall going out - ahhhh, scary!
-Donna pulls a Buffy on the door - we like. Plus, 'Did we just run from a power cut?' - this episode is big on nervous laughter. We like even more.
- 'I'm a time traveller; I point and laugh at archeologists' - snerk
- tearing up the contracts in unison made me grin
- the Specs of Sex get a good workout throughout
- 'the dust in sunbeams...not everyone comes back out of the dark....' -now that was morbid. Not to mention creepifying
- 'My dad said I'd the IQ of plankton' -awwww. Poor thing. And then it gets even worse for her
- the neural recorders - has Mr. Moffat been reading Connie Willis' 'Passage' by any chance? But how unbearably heart-breaking was that scene? So much more punch than in VoTD. (And were Miss Evangeline's last words 'Ice cream' or 'I scream'?)
- and thinking of screaming, OMG DONNA! Brilliant acting and sound and visual effects there as she fails to wholly materialize in the TARDIS. If I were less tired, I'd speculate more on what was meant by her being 'saved', but I am actually pretty tired
So, nothing more remains than to post today's piece of DW related ephemera.
Here you go: