Monica again~

Mar 01, 2010 11:51

Last night at 12.45am when I was abt to go to sleep, I got a text msg. I thought I was from Jai... Baru nak happy2 check msg.

Skali………. MONICA!! My god~!

She asked, “Are our guys supposed to remove Hua Yi tonight? Client said they still not there.” My face teros |=-___________________________-=|!!

Then I replied, “Yes, they are supposed to remove tonight.” Then I thought she was going to call or msg my operation manager, she msg me again! She said, “Sorry u know who’s going? They still not there yet.” Double |=-____________-=|!! How the fuck should I know sia! I didn’t prepare the driver’s schedule and im not the operation manager! Boring pe~

Baru nak tido happy2, da spoil my mood… CEH~!

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