The poster doesn’t look sedih rite?? But it is… Very touching u know….
Its abt this couple, Radit and Jani. They got married without their parents blessings. They love each other. He love her so much that he’s willing to do anything for her. Both of them are drug addicts but he guy is the worse one la, he’s more addicted to it more than Jani. They live in a rented apartment and all they do is steal. Jani will do all the seducing and he will do the stealing part.
One time, he got really sick and had no money to buy drugs. She felt kesian for him seeing him get beaten up by drug dealers, she decided to sleep with them just to get him his drugs.
He had a few jobs but it didn’t last. He would either end up stealing from the company or just didn’t like the job.
Later on, she got pregnant and they decided to ask her parents for some help. But it didn’t work. So he took a job as a construction worker but he got cheated of his money. He did get what they promised him. She wanted things to be better so she locked him up in the room, leaving him cold turkey. But it didn’t work.
So he went to work in a pub, just so he can bring food home for her. One day she called him at work and told him to come home cos she wasn’t feeling too well. He tried to ask for an advance pay so he can buy the medicine but his boss just ignore him.
So while walking out of the pub, one of the guys told him if he would drink his urine, he would pay for his wife medication. Well obviously he did!! Hahah! Then he rushed to get her medicine and bought her a packet of fried rice. While rushing back home, he was beaten up by a group of guys whom he used to steal from. That was when he realize that he couldn’t take care of his wife.
He got back home, stared at her for the last time and said, “Maafkan aku…”
Tu part sedih seh… The next day, he took her to eat her favourite ice cream and then he left her there. He called her parents and they took her away. Wahhh when he cried like very sedih sia. To see a guy cry for a girl, very touching seh!
A few yrs later, he came to see her. By then she was already married to another guy. Then she said, “I miss u bodoh…”
Then he passed her a gift which was for their daughter, Kirana. Then he said, “Aku akan selalu mencintai mu…” I think that was what he said la… Hahaha! I cant really remember… Then he walked away, crying….
Their trademark was, “I love u bodoh…” and “I miss u bodoh…” Hahahah! So sute siak. Call each other bodoh….
Free2 tgk la the movie… The guy quite handsome… Hahaha! To me la! Hahahah!