Oct 17, 2006 10:19
On a countdown now to the move back to Bristol. At least I'm lucky in the fact that I have a job to go to...And the guy hasn't even interviewed me. It's at the same place that Ian is working and hopefully I will be a team leader straight away, with that or fast-tracked to become one. It'll be nice to move into supervisory stuff now - It's not as if I have no call centre/phone/custy services experience...My CV is full of it.
Apart from that I seem to be stuck in a low at the moment that nothing seems able to shift. I'm not entirely sure what to do about it to be honest. I thought I was getting over it all and getting better, but it keeps coming back and feels worse each time. I tried couselling, which to be honest didn't do much of anything for me, and don't fancy going back on the medication as the two different anti depressants I have been given so far really dodn't do a lot to help. Sometimes I think it would be nice to just not feel anything for a while...Rather than the buzzing in my head and the not being able to switch off; rather than the feeling of my insides being ripped apart.
All the health problems and a completely rubbish doctor that it is practically impossible to get an appointment with definitely isn't helping. I have something I need to see a different doctor about to get another opnion and I phone the surgery only to find out he's now on holiday for two weeks, with no one covering...So can only see crappy doctor (Who I am sure hasn;t got a fucking clue what he is talking about) and I can only get appointment with him if its an absolute emergency as he's uber over-booked....Gotta love the NHS...