10 things you may not know about me.

Apr 06, 2008 15:40

1. I have never been on an actual date. People have told me that I give off an unapproachable air, but that should not be a deterrant to EVERY guy. Plus, every guy that I have asked has turned me down.

2. I am considering plastic surgery in the future.

3. I used to like this boy when I was in grade school, and to cover it up, I used to pick on my best friend and say that she liked him. Then I would sing the K-I-S-S-I-N-G song with their names in it.

4. The first house I lived in was in the path of the airport flyovers. Every time a plane flew over, my friends and I would drop everything, run out to the middle of the yard, and scream, "Take me with you!!!" while waving our arms over our heads.

5. I hate everything about rollerblading. The outfits, the skates, the position your body has to be in, and the actual skating. You could not pay me enough to strap those babies on ever again.

6. I talk to my cats like they are real people. Sometimes.

7. I like going to sporting events. Not necessarily watching them on tv. Being part of the crowd, getting into the game, having fun with friends, all adds to the great experience. I will still bring a book or solitaire on my phone. Not every game is exciting 100% of the time.

8. I want to go to the Jonas Brothers' concert when they come to Cincinnati in July. Anyone want to come with me? $32 lawn seats, and Avril Levigne is also performing.

9. When I wake up in the morning with my nose plugged, I am afraid my septoplasty will have to be redone.

10. I like mowing the lawn. It's very calming, good exercise, and having your hands vibrate for a half hour after you're done is an added perk.
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