100 Random Things about My Life

Nov 03, 2008 23:43

1. My second toe is longer than my big toe. On both feet, of course.
2. I can’t remember the last time I watched a legal movie. Unless it was an oldie on AMC or TCM.
3. I love the color baby blue on men. Whether the color of their eyes, a great sweater, or a perfectly faded pair of jeans; it’s just a lovely sight to behold.
4. I can see where my life is going to be in five years, but I can’t figure out next week.
5. I find fart and dick jokes hilarious. I also think its funny when someone farts in public or says the word penis. I think I’m a thirteen year old boy at heart. Someone spelled the word “pension” wrong today, and I almost peed my pants from laughing (ask if you need it explained).
6. I am proud of the fact that I can cross my legs.
7. I think I missed a part of my childhood. How else to explain my current fascination with all things Disney (barring Raven-Symone)?
8. I spend entirely too much time on the internet at work.
9. I like my ass and my shoulders. I think they are in perfect proportion to my body. Other areas . . . not so much.
10. I can’t stand the show “Little People, Big World.” I want to punch most of the Roloffs. And sterilize the Duggars (sp?) (The family with 100 kids).
11. I cut up all my credit cards a year ago. I’ve paid for everything with cash or debit ever since. I’m better off for it.
12. My credit cards ruined my credit score.
13. I want to have kids but I’m not sure I want to have a husband/boyfriend/relationship. I can see myself down the road, when I am ready for kids, going to a sperm bank and picking from the catalog.
14. I would love to have my hair cut by a professional stylist, but I know they would want to cut it quite short, and I will not go through “mushroom head” EVER again.
15. I like trying to figure out the voice-over voices in commercials. Did you know Patrick Dempsey is the voice of State Farm Insurance and Mazda? Don’t even get me started on John Corbett.
16. My cat, Binky, has the inability to jump. She can’t even get up on my lap when I’m sitting in a chair unless she gets up on a stool first. I do have a low armchair that she can get up into, but it’s like 6 inches off the ground. She climbs me to sit on the top of the armchair.
17. It’s so strange to think about dating someone who’s forty. It’s entirely possible, but weird, since most days I’m surprised I’m not still in college. I don’t feel twenty-eight.
18. I am not opposed to plastic surgery. I can see myself getting a tummy tuck and arm lift. If only I could afford it . . .
19. I consider myself a happy person pretty much most of the time.
20. I am intimidated by Victoria’s Secret.
21. I met Dustin Diamond once, and he was an asshole in person as well. Big surprise there.
22. I am disappointed I had to miss my ten year high school reunion. I wanted to see a bunch of people, and it’s disheartening to think it won’t happen for another ten years.
23. I wish I lived in Europe. The attitude and culture there is so different, I would love to immerse myself in it. And money was no object.
24. I love the smell of brewing coffee. I can’t stand the taste. People have had me taste their lattes and whatnot, but I can still taste the coffee flavor. It does not matter how little there is in it.
25. I need a vacation.
26. Why is it still okay in society to make fun of fat or single people? And why must I be both?
27. When I was little, I imagined there was an alligator hiding under my bed. At night, it was necessary to avoid it biting my feet by making a running start from the doorway and leap into bed from several feet away. In the morning, I could get out of bed normally because the alligator slept in later than me.
28. No, wait, this was last night.
29. Just kidding.
30. I think the guy who created “Girls Gone Wild” is brilliant. And incredibly stupid for getting caught filming underage girls. Good thing he’s got all that money to buy himself out of prison.
31. I have never taken illegal drugs, not even marijuana. I’ve had plenty of opportunities, and could probably get it today, but I’ve never had the desire to do any. I figure with my addictive personality, drugs are the last thing I need.
32. I did get “addicted” to scratch-off lottery tickets for a time. It was so hard to quit because I kept winning.
33. I once had a customer in my line who would not accept his change because it came to $6.66. Instead, he grabbed a couple of items from the candy stand to add to his order and change the total so he would get back less change. I bet he doesn’t leave his house on Friday the 13th either.
34. I trip up stairs. Surprisingly, I have almost no problem going down stairs, considering how clumsy I am in life.
35. I have never broken any of my own bones. I did break my mom’s nose when I was eight by jumping into a swimming pool and onto her head.
36. I hate wearing socks. If I have to, they are only black or white. I used to wear all kinds of colors and designs that didn’t necessarily match my outfit, and I was made fun of in high school for it. Gave me a complex for life.
37. I love the color purple. My whole wardrobe used to be purple, but when I lost weight, I had to get rid of it. It makes me a little sad that there is almost no purple clothing in my wardrobe now. Apparently, it is not a popular color right now, and I couldn’t find any good pieces.
38. I can’t stand nail polish on my fingers. For so many years, I wasn’t allowed to wear it at work because of being around food and the fact that polishes can contaminate it. I have long nails all of the time because I like them, but having nail polish on my fingers really irritates me.
39. I love polish on my toes. In purple. Go figure.
40. I cry when frustrated or when watching most movies. I never cry when sad. I don’t know why that is.
41. I don’t like talking on the phone. I will do whatever possible to put it off or avoid it. I’m not sure why this is; I just know it’s not something I want to do. Just making a doctor’s appointment is difficult. It’s a process to get ready for: I lay out my calendar, notepad, and pen; I have my list of questions ready; etc., etc. Conversely, if I am talking on the phone to someone, it can stretch to an hour easily without my noticing.
42. I’m not afraid to die. I live every day to the fullest and have enough life insurance to cremate me and pay my debt off so that what I leave behind is not a burden on my family.
43. I want as many as possible of my organs donated when I die. It’s a tragedy that there aren’t more organ donors out there. As to the remains, cremation is the easiest and cheapest way to go. I don’t want them scattered anywhere, though. Either keep them for sentimental reasons or throw them away. No lake or field needs to be polluted by me.
44. Addendum to phone issue: I have barely any issue answering the phone when someone calls me (provided I remembered to turn my phone volume on). My problem stems from my inability to make the calls myself. I have a really hard time just picking up the phone and dialing. I psyche myself up and right out of the nerve to do so. Incidentally, I have no problem with face-to-face, and can be blunt or accommodating as the situation warrants.
45. I used to have two piercings in each ear, but neglect has let them grow closed. I want to get my ears re-pierced, but I’m afraid I’ll do the same thing after a couple of years. Plus, putting in earrings is difficult for me.
46. I consider myself quite adept at sewing. Besides making sleeping bags for my Barbies when I was younger, I hadn’t sewn much of anything. AJ wanted an adult sleeper (a story for another time), and I couldn’t find one big enough for him without having it specially made for an exorbitant amount, so I did it myself by adapting a Halloween costume pattern and a fleece blanket. First time making anything, and it turned out great! Seems I can follow a pattern. Even now, I can do buttons, pockets, hems, and various repair work and have it turn out well. Not bad for minimal training and supervision.
47. I hate to cook. I am very good at it, but I only do the bare necessities to feed myself and quickly. Anything else is not worth my time. I can follow any recipe and will if pressed into duty. But I still hate to cook. I would be happy for the rest of my life to live with someone that would do all of the cooking (no matter what level) and I do the kitchen cleaning.
48. I consider myself an environmentalist. Don’t confuse that with an activist. I don’t want to save the animals, per se; I want to save the environment. I don’t preach about it, but I try to make changes in my habits that will positively impact the environment.
49. It’s true that I do drive a sports car, but I take the bus to and from work and when I do drive, I try to as cleanly and efficiently as possible. Besides, it gets 25 mpg, which is fairly high for sports cars in today’s market. I’d rather have a fun car now, while unencumbered, than after the kids leave home and have it considered a mid-life crisis.
50. I am taking the first step this weekend towards getting my MBA. I an attending an informational seminar about getting started and the pieces involved. I’m not worried about the GMAT, but paying for the classes. I’m not sure financial aid will be enough, and Kroger doesn’t reimburse until semester or year-end. I won’t be able to afford it on my own for a couple of years, and I’m afraid that will be too late. I don’t want to be passed over for promotions through no fault of my own. We’ll see what the future holds.
51. I don’t care if I’m not a teenage girl. I want to see “TWILIGHT!”
52. I abhor spelling mistakes in texts, message posts, reviews, etc; anything “written” on the Internet. How long does it take to verify this? It only makes the ones that have horrific spelling seem less intelligent or sloppy.
53. I will not date someone that smokes. Kissing a smoker is like licking an ashtray.
54. I’ve always wanted to learn to play piano.
55. I wish I could dance with any sort of coordination.
56. I love holiday candy. Conversation hearts, peeps, candy corn, etc. I would rather have holiday-specific candy than any other kind.
57. I hate tomatoes, but I love tomato products such as salsa, ketchup, and pasta sauce.
58. I am allergic to wine and similar beverages.
59. I have the most eclectic music collection of anyone I know. Just on Pandora I have the following stations: Weird Al, 80’s, Alternative, Big Band/Jazz, Classical, Disturbed, Hard Rock, Lite Rock, Miley Cyrus, two Random stations, Rockapella, Broadway, Rob Thomas (and the like), Robbie Williams, Techno/Club, and two “teeny bopper” stations.
60. I have a bad habit of reading everything by certain authors until I have exhausted their catalog, and then finding it difficult to start a new author.
61. I hate mystery novels where I can figure it out before the end. It’s basically like I wasted my time and the author didn’t try hard enough.
62. I am a coupon fiend. I have bought things I don’t need or necessarily want because it’s been too good of a deal to pass up. At the grocery store, my usual cashiers mock-groan because they know it’ll be an ordeal with the number of coupons I’ll be using. Usually they close off their lane until we’re finished.
63. I am not opposed to re-gifting.
64. I’ve always wanted to drive cross-country.
65. I am a definite cat person, but I am not opposed to owning a dog. I don’t think they belong in apartments, and my first purchase after buying a house will probably be a dog.
66. I enjoy taking pictures of everything. People, places, things, whatever catches my fancy. My friends “graciously” put up with it, but I can tell it’s annoying to them. All will be able to tell when I start dating someone, because the albums in Facebook will have a distinct subject and probably lose some of the randomness. It doesn’t mean I’ll stop taking pictures.
67. My list of allowed celebrities (ask if you haven’t seen the Friends episode): Rob Thomas, James Marsden, John Corbett, Cody Linley, and Ryan Reynolds.
68. I don’t watch horror movies, not because they scare me, but because they don’t. I find them to be boring, easy to figure out, and sometimes gross, but never scary.
69. I would love to travel to all fifty states, not just as airport layovers, but actual visits. So far I’ve only visited 14 of them and Washington DC.
70. I don’t like to share.
71. I love the Cincinnati library. I sit at home or work, on the computer, and browse their extensive catalog. I place a hold on the items I want, input my library card number, and voila! Within 24 hours, if the book is available, they have located it and placed in the express hold section (a wall by the circulation desk) for me to pick up at my convenience. I never have to visit the stacks if I don’t want. I feel like it’s a personal service offered. The best part is the DVD rentals are free!
72. I hate when recording artists include “live” songs on their albums or I get one accidentally when I am downloading. If I wanted to hear loud clapping and cheering, I could go in the bathroom and deafen from the echo of my own claps and screams.
73. I'm broke, and it looks to stay that way for several months.
74. I'm going to see Twilight in three weeks! I'm not going to be a diehard and go to the midnight showing, much as I'd like to, but I still plan on going that weekend. If I choose a Saturday matinee, it's $5 instead of $10.
75. I attended the first informational session today to start the MBA program at Xavier. I'm not sure what I'm going to specialize in at the moment, but I got a lot of questions answered and left with quite a few resources to tap. If all goes well, and I plan it right, I'll start next fall and have my masters by spring semester, 2011. It's going to happen, I just need the funds.
76. Work is going. I know my job and I enjoy it when it's busy, but the slow times are killing me! We work on several contracts at a time, and it seems like we're either swamped with demands from the divisions, or crickets are chirping. I want to be busy all of the time. I think I'll be looking for another position with the company when my year is up. It's kind of sad to think because I love my coworkers (save one) and don't want to leave them, but I need to have my mind in active mode. I don't like being bored. If they would let me read at my desk, it would be perfect and I wouldn't want a transfer. I'm sure my internet usage tracker is off the charts!
77. Still single, but getting over it and accepting the fact.
78. Cincinnati is great! I'm so glad I moved down here. There is no shortage of things to do and see, with a majority of the costing nothing or less than $10. I just wish there was more sunshine when I came home from work. Too many trees in back of my building. Oh well, saved on air conditioning this summer. We didn't turn it on once.
79. I have never been on an actual “date.” People have told me that I give off an unapproachable air, but that should not be a deterrent to EVERY guy. Plus, every guy that I have asked has turned me down.
80. I used to like this boy when I was in grade school, and to cover it up, I used to pick on my best friend and say that she liked him. Then I would sing the K-I-S-S-I-N-G song with their names in it.
81. The first house I lived in was in the path of the airport flyovers. Every time a plane flew over, my friends and I would drop everything, run out to the middle of the yard, and scream, "Take me with you!!!" while waving our arms over our heads.
82. I hate everything about rollerblading. The outfits, the skates, the position your body has to be in, and the actual skating. You could not pay me enough to strap those babies on ever again.
83. I talk to my cats like they are real people. Sometimes.
84. I like going to sporting events. Not necessarily watching them on TV. Being part of the crowd, getting into the game, having fun with friends, all adds to the great experience. I will still bring a book or solitaire on my phone. Not every game is exciting 100% of the time.
85. I wanted to go to the Jonas Brothers' concert when they came to Cincinnati in July. I refuse to feel guilty about it, and besides, my boss wanted to go as well. Too bad I didn’t find this out until the morning of; we could have gone together and acted silly.
86. When I wake up in the morning and my nose is plugged, I am afraid my septoplasty will have to be redone.
87. I like mowing the lawn. It's very calming, good exercise, and having your hands vibrate for a half hour after you're done is an added perk.
88. I don’t like taking baths. I think it stems from the fact we didn’t have a shower in our upstairs bathroom until I was in high school. I don’t find them relaxing, and to sit and read in the tub is ridiculous. I don’t think bathrooms should have windows, and that’s better to read by instead.
89. If I could live on Diet Coke, I would.
90. Have I mentioned I really love Facebook?
91. I aspire to read at least 10,000 books in my lifetime. So far, I’ve listed over 1000 on my Visual Bookshelf, and those are just the ones I can remember.
92. I will probably see at least that many movies in my lifetime, without a problem. I haven’t bothered to categorize them, though, I’m still on books.
93. I remember roller skating as a child, and looking forward to the coveted “couple’s skate.” It’s sad now to think how many rinks are now defunct and I’ll never get mine.
94. I love to argue.
95. No, I don’t.
96. YES, I DO.
97. I’ve never been on a motorcycle, bungee-jumped, sky dived, or a number of dangerous things. I don’t think I’ll ever have the desire to do the above.
98. I do, however, want to drive a race car someday. As it is, my car can go 180 and I would love to try it out. I love driving my car more than almost anything.
99. I am a selective reality show junkie. That is, I love watching reality television, but I am picky about it. My all time favorite is “Survivor,” but I enjoy “The Biggest Loser,” as well.
100. My dream in life is to own a bookstore / café where people can gather and hang out. I’d like to bring in up-and-coming authors and offer free or low cost events. I only plan on giving forty years to Kroger, so maybe this is something I can do with the second half of my life. Only the future knows . . .
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