About 6 years ago I befriended an amazing little woman.. little in every aspect but her outspokenness and ability to match my dry sarcasm to bring humor. She couldn't have been a sweeter person to me when I needed someone, even during times when I didn't ask her to step into my life for even a second.. but behind the tough exterior that she held she was true to her friends and loved each and every one of them until the end.
And today, the end has come.
"as eva recovered from her respiratory illness and her Oxy generation improved, we were able to stop her sedative medications, unfortunately she did not become responsive again. MRI of her brain revealed a large stroke, resulting in swelling of the brain. the damage to the brain stem cerebral blood flow study shows no flow which indicates brain death."
Kittie was diagnosed with acute lymphocytic leukemia in January. She was in bad shape but she fought it, with humor intact. She did so well that they were able to release her from the hospital a couple times.. but 3 weeks ago she became ill and was sent back.
We all were just waiting for another one of
bloodxflower's devilishly funny journal entries about her immunities.. peppered with sentiment which she received from so many strangers around her.. perhaps channeling all that we would have given to her had we been nearby. Even as the updates were not looking good.. it was still a matter of "Tell Kittie that if she doesn't get better soon we're gonna kick her butt" or from me "Let her know that me and Luc send her our love and that she's still got to go see Henry Rollins with me when she's better."
I know she's gone.. but she is still going to be with everyone who loved her..
Every bit of love in my body goes to this woman who will most certainly begin her descent to heaven today.
And she'd kill me for posting this picture.. but I love it.