I finished the
daisy novelty print dress last week (it's very cute and I don't look at all like my grandmother!) and I hope to have pictures of it (and me in it) up soon, but for now I'm working on a modern tunic as part of my back to school wardrobe (more on that soon), Anyways, my tunic is made out of this golden yellow linen fabric, using
this Simplicity pattern. I finished the body of the tunic in like 2 hours (although it's looking very much like medieval peasant garb, laying on my desk chair) and am moving on to the embellishment, which consists of roses, out of a sewn tube of bias fabric. You're supposed to gather the edge of the tube and then form it into a rose, but my linen for some reason would not gather. So, I improvised, by twisting the tube and then tacking it together as I rolled it into a rose shape.
And this is what I got:
The result is really lovely, although it took me about 20 minutes, and I have 5 more to do. So while sewing your own clothing is definitely a huge money saver, it's not very time effecient . . .