Aug 18, 2005 18:32
Suppity Sup?!?!?!?! Anyways, I learned something REALLY REALLLY lame. So, Zelda:Twightlight Princess being pushed back TO FREAKING MARCH!!!! That boils my cookies! ...I Whatever. But the good news is they are looking to add more levels and make it a bigger, badderasser. Which..okay..I can live with.
SOOOOO I learned that I get my bonus check September 2. ...WOOO! That means the Sidekick II is in my grasp. :) I should have it by the middle of the week. And if you are really cool..maybe I will give you my number! ;) ..But not really... ;) but maybe... ;) ...okay. Ghetto.
But anyways, it's a big deal moving from my little Cricket to the big fat business man like T-Mobile. And yes, I will miss my little Kyocera Slider. *cuddles with it* Course..I was ready for a new phone when it just turned itself off for no particular reason last night. I was like.. " OH HECK NO!!!" .........and turned it back on.
Frank was trying to talk me into getting a Treo. the phone that my mom wants. I.Don't.Want.That.Phone.
I.Want.A.SidekickII. :) End of discussion.
But not really.
So work is really stressful and I'm thinking of blowing everyone up.
Today, I helped my little sister Maddie with her homework. *tear*
And Oh yeah, I still love my freakin job. :D
I just finished playing DDR again. I love it. I play it so much it makes me want to pass out. BUT I LOVE IT!! WEEHOO!
So you know what I was watching last night? Criss Angel MINDFREAK. XD It's so freaking corny. Cause he is like MIIIIIIIIIIIIIINDFREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAK! XD But I love Magic. And I love David Blaine too. :) Criss does some cool stuff..but ...he is toooo like...dramatic. Just go to the photo gallery at his site and see. He *is* beautiful..but too dramatic and ...well..stupid. I am like "ooooo aaahhhhh ...oooooo ahhhh ...(until he does something really corny) oooo ahhh HAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!"
Yeah, that's how it goes.
I'm eating some of my brother's Mac & Cheese. It's pretty good.
AND WHO THE HECK GETS A CRISS ANGEL TATTOO!?!?!?! *it's so stupid, slaps self*
So I went to the doctor about my jaw and she said I had TMJ. Which is stupid.
I really want to go to E3 next year.