Aug 05, 2006 14:08
Hey, I'm back from not updating. I'm currently sitting in a Panera using the wireless internet. I just had lunch with my mom and sister and now they are gone. This summer has been busy--first China, then an internship at a Fortune 500 energy corporation. Don't get me wrong--it's a great place to work if you don't mind mind-numbing work while sitting in a basement with no sunlight all by your lonesome while you can see across the hall some of the other interns visitng the other intern near you while they ignore you. okay, so i kind of hate my job but whatever. they have paid me well and i have learned something valuable: I never want to work in corporate america ever again. don't get me wrong--i'm willing to be a copy person for a business, i just dont want to be stuck doing grunt work which nobody cares about. really, i feel as if my job consists of doing stuff that wouldn't get done if they didn't have an extra person. let's just say that i definitely want to be a professor now. i don't know where i want to go, but i want to be a professor.
as for china, it was absolutely amazing. well, it was pretty cool and i came home with so many memories...and a guy. yeah, not quite sure how that last one happened, but one of the guys in my group fell for me and won't really leave me alone...i mean, he really fell for me. nice guy, division 1 swimmer at duquesne, bio major, wants to do everything, know almost everything...and in short, be a perfect person. i think that his goal will lead him to be an asshole. anyways, we have a few disagreements...for example, he's a conservative, i'm a liberal; he's really tall, i'm a foot shorter than he is; when he thinks of what constitutes a "perfect" person, he thinks being able to DO anything, when i think of what constitutes an "excellent" person, i think of character traits (he says that's easy); he stays up late, i go to bed early; he can get by without a lot of sleep, i tell him to fuck off at night; he is incredibly intense, i think he needs to chill out; whenever he does something, he doesn't just do his best, he does THE best...which is rather annoying since i'd like to have something of my own. and yeah, he's good at everything i'm good at and then some. the things which he's not so great at doing that i can do, he's going to learn. for example, i love to salsa dance...he has no clue how. he's going to learn. i want to go into the peace corps when i graduate. he thought that was a dandy idea and he's gonnna try it too, and not only that, but he found out that they prefer people who can speak either french or spanish...he's going to learn both. apparently, he even writes great papers for class.
at least he's pretty cute.
anyways, i hope everyone is having a great summer and i'll see everyone (hopefully) in january when i get back from france!