So Glad to Be Back

Jan 21, 2006 12:20

Break was ehhhhh... so I'm really happy that I'm back in the district.  I mean not gonna lie Menominee gets kinda lame kinda fast.  So I'm really excited for this semester because I actually enjoy my classes and I only have one huge lecture (and the professor for that huge lecture is rather dorky hot and its on Culture and Language- score).  So my schedule this semester- insane.  No classes on Monday        4 classes  on Tues        1 class on Wed      5 classes on Thur     2 classes on Fri.   A bit intense (like camping) don't you think?  At least I'll have good recovery time from my weekends which i'm pretty sure are gonna be mighty ass kicking this term.

Why are my weekends so great you ask?  Well since finals week my second home has been on the floor above me with 3 very kickass girls that i'm most likely living with next year (and one of them also went to boarding school, actually the one that General Bunting was in charge of :D, so she and I can relate).  Last night I had dinner with them then we watched a bootleg copy of Rent so it's always fun to chill with them.  Then i just got invited to a Secs and Execs cocktail party by one of the sisters and so I have a cocktail party tonight and then we're going to Chinatown for either sangria or dinner.  It will be fun times.  Then of course Sunday means football and chapter where i actually take my office for this calendar year.  Crazy right?

Well its time to actually get dressed and go to officer transition so I will update more another time.   
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