
Aug 24, 2005 00:49

You scored as Remus Lupin. You are a wise and caring wizard and a good, loyal friend to boot. However sometimes in an effort to be liked by others you can let things slide by, which ordinarily you would protest about. Very happy to get Ron second. I'm Hermione third ?! Interesting.. my Harry, Sirius, & Ginny'ness' are the same percentage. ^^; Can't believe I'm Lupin. But I am. OMG, gonna end up with ------

Remus Lupin85%Ron Weasley75%Hermione Granger70%Severus Snape65%Harry Potter55%Sirius Black55%Ginny Weasley55%Albus Dumbledore50%Lord Voldemort40%Draco Malfoy25%
Your Harry Potter Alter Ego Is...?
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