Oct 03, 2006 20:56
I have been working my ass off lately. Much lesson planning and exam grading, coupled with ye old data entry job (which is still kind of getting its act together) and my monologue class, not to mention my requisite multiple daily phone calls to the ineffectual douchebag haven known as cable vision, leave me with much frustration and pretty much no outlet for it. Thus, I end up screaming at the walls and scaring my room mates...
Sorry guys, I heart ya lots!
Luckily, The Colonel is among them. He, apart from being soft and adorable, is a very good listener and comforting presence. Yay kitty!
It's great to be busy, though! I am learning new things all of the time. Today I subbed for a grammar-focused class in the afternoon, which was a rather refreshing flight by the seat of my pantaloons. Things went pretty well (yay, they understand past modal verbs and adjectives ending in "ing" and "ed"!... Er... right.) and thankfully the students were kind and merciful and seemed to enjoy my silly acting out of adjectives.
I am really enjoying pouring myself into something, even though it is a little annoying to be in "means to an end" mode yet again. I gots to pay my bills, though and it is really exciting to think about the voice lessons, acting classes, head shot prints and postcards, and general daily flexibility that I will be able to afford if I can suck it up and bust my ass for a while. Also, more teaching experience = key to quick and easy employment in foreign countries. Yeeeehaw! Missing Europe like mad lately.
I fully intend to beat the ass of my monologue class onto a bloody pulp. With a riding crop. On rereading the play wherein my chosen monologue dwelleth, I am pumped. It's a great story. I'd really like to perform the role some day. Generally I'm not much of a Jane Martin fan, but "Jack and Jill" is where it's at.
Betwixt all the madness and work yesterday, I managed to learn a new song on guitar. I am still no master, but it really feels good to just sit, figure it out, sing and play. If only I would stop playing exclusively hippie shit. Maybe some day, when I gets the skillz...
All right, back to work.