Oct 01, 2006 16:59
From far away, this planet looks like a promising place for us to inhabit. Our purple colored homeland, Htrae, was destroyed in the Battle of Kret Rats. Ever since, we have been searching for a similar place to call our own. Htrae was a very peaceful place-with Kringgys playing outside and Modderas whipping something up in the kitchen. We loved it there, and since we have found nothing to its greatness.
As we flew closer to this planet in our Gnatsum G1005-2039 Turbo, we began to think that this place was not for us. Everything went from the beautiful blue into an unpleasant, dreary gray. We could still see the blue in some areas, but our UniverseGPS nine thousand told us that it was not a safe place to land. Who lives here?
Why are there so many squiggly lines? Is this a form of transportation? Don’t they know that the fastest way from point A to point B is a straight line? Why is everything so close together? The leaders of these things obviously do not have too much going on in their brains. Maybe they don’t even have brains.
It looks as though everything runs into another. It is too busy, too inhabited, too busy. Do they get a chance to relax? It looks like a place where the creatures are doing too much, trying too hard. Why is everything so gray and depressing?
One of the things our kind liked On Htrae was the fresh air. I opened my window, and took a deep breath. It was revolting. Why does this place smell bad? Whatever lives here gives off a really funky odor. They need an AirFilter300, to get rid of this nasty smell or maybe they need to change some habits. The air is also so foggy that our navigator can’t see 4.3 megalometers in front of him. This place is gross.
We should also explore and see if they have what we need. Is there any space that we can settle in to? Will they spread us over all of the land, or just try to put us in a certain place? Are these things friendly and accepting to newcomers or outsiders? What do they do with their free time? On Htrae, we liked to sing, dance, and get to know the others of our kind.
We’re going to go in and help these creatures. They sure need it.
Alison J.
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