Comic Con 2009

Jul 27, 2009 19:20

I swear I'll have more details later, but a more complete narrative of my Comic Con experience this year will have to come later. It has been a long (albeit outstandingly fun) three days of driving, crowds in San Diego, bumper-to-bumper traffic all over southern California, and I think I'm going to need a few days to recover.

The outstandingly fun included seeing Russell T Davies on the streets of San Diego while we waited for our dinner reservations at the Spaghetti Factory, later seeing Zachary Levi and Adam Baldwin from Chuck and Joanne Kelly and Eddie McClintock from Warehouse 13 as well as cast members of Eureka at a press event in the city, standing in a variety of lines to get into the Doctor Who panel, being four rows from the front while David Tennant, Russell, Julie Gardner and Euros Lyn entertained a crowd of 4,000+ people (and adorably petted each other), watching the trailer for the Doctor Who Christmas Special, then later the same panel, minus David and adding John Barrowman, discussing Torchwood, navigating the MASSIVE dealer room at Comic Con, eating Pinkberry and then hightailing it out of town, getting stuck in traffic and then detouring to Escondido for the night before finishing the long trek back to northern California earlier today.

It was fun, it was epic and I'm exhausted. But I did get to see David Tennant so it was also very worth it!

A VERY good weekend!

comic con

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