Mar 12, 2005 13:35
I went skiing last night with allison, celia and steve. It was an amazing night. I love these kinds of nights where i think back and go "wow". This week just started out fantastic and just keeps getting better. I havent felt like this in such a long time. On Sunday I went over to Alex's house and hung out there for a while. when it was time to go home, we went outside where we ended up talking for another hour and a half. Just standing outside embracing each other talking. It was truly fantastic. I ended up getting home at 12 which wasnt good but it was totally worth it.
oN wed i saw alex again when we went bowling with cyo. Fr. joe made me cheese cake which tasted amazing. Its so funny that hes really into baking cuz i would never think that he would be. The week before we had a cyo pasta dinner for the juniors and seniors. I htink we should do that again. I bonded with phil and it was very interesting talking with him. Back to bowling though, fr joe gave me a birthday card which has a very inspirational quote on the side which i am going to have to include in this later because it was very thought provoking and i was truly touched by it. Id like to add that i am the worlds worst bowler but i had a great time joking around.
sO yesterday night was just another night of greatness. I picked steve up from school, took him to ryans house where he picked up his board. I havent seen ryan in a year and hes definately nothing like he was last year. its unfortunate. But anyways took steve to the car shop so he could fix the board..and then dropped him off at his house..and where is that at...STARIN?! okay yea definately 4 streets over from fun. so then we met up with ali and celia and the adventure was started! OKAY, so many laughs. and not thinking is always great. my mind was so clear yesterday..i felt like i was on a high..
so we went out to eat pizza after skiing and i forgot to add that last night was the best night of skiing ever such as conditions and such. but most fun also because no one was upset at anyone and we all had the same goal in mind which was to just have fun.
I feel so alive this week. so there is about 3 months left of school..a little less..and i am just oging to make the best out of it. I dont want to lose this happiness that i am feeling. seriously..why has it taken me four years to feel like this? and now im leaving eveytihng..oh well..such is life.
i cant wait for tonight. Lauren, Ani and I are going to see the st. joe's PLAY -->FIDDLER.. and then we are going out to eat afterwards for an ani lauren and i bonding night. what exciting.
3 days until my birthday. i dont want to get older. no me gusta. again nothing that i can do about it. but tomorrow is the family party and im excited to hang out with matt, roseanne and alex and see the family. we havent gotten together since christmas. it has definately been a while and i am really looking forward to it. then im going to italy in about 2 weeks. yay!