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Aug 29, 2007 00:24

soo today was like the best day of my life!
brittanys mom knows someone and they know the the stage manager of rent...Nick.
so we went down and we went threw the doors into "the hallway" where all the stars and evryone signs we found things from like ppls family and evrything we were looking for the note that anthonys mom wrote him that he rewrote on the wall... well as we r waiting for nick to come get us we r hanging out in this hallway and all the stars have to pass threw to get to the stage.so the new mimi tamyra gray (she was on american idol) walkd by and was nice she smiled at us so we r looking at the wall and ANTHONY RAPP walks by me and katelin and britt start like freaking out like omg omg omg omg omg omg omg!!!!! he doesnt even aknowlege us...he has these HUGE headfones on and just walks but still like woah lol
then we r standing around and the door opens and me and katelin turn around and its ADAM PASCAL! brittanys mom loves him so she is like omg so the 4 of us are like omg omg its adam pascal and we dont go up to him cause we dont want to seem crazy lol as he is walking away brittany starts to follow him lol and i had to hold her back but we all seriously wanted to attak him...finally nick comes out and he takes us on the stage...we were in the same spot where adam and anthony and evryone who has evr been on rent has stood...i was like shaking i look into the auidence and (i had seen the play on sat. 2nd row lol) so i look and im like omg i sat right there and watched this all happen...so we then walk around the stage meet a dif stage manager and the props guy so we walk down these stairs into the quickchange area and there is angela santa coat and skirt so i go to touch it and hesitate and so does katelin and the guy sees and he is like its ok touch it so we do and as we r walking threw we see the mark sweater if u have seen the movie or the play u know the mark sweater so im like omggg anthony rapp has worn this(yes i am a stalker..im well aware lol) so we touch it lol and also the shirt roger wears in the 2nd act. so we r getting this whole tour of rent and it was sooo amazing we didnt get to meet them but we r going bak on thursday to see teh play and brittany and katelin left there books for anthony to sign so we r going to wait around in the hallway and attak the 2 of them!! lol there are a few pics on my facebook look at them!!

my life was complete lol

o and on saturday TYRA BANKS was 3 rows behind me at the show
i had better seats then tyra lol!!!!!!!!!!!
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