May 31, 2003 16:59
i'm not one of those ppl who remains stuck in ur bed sick for more than a day, but i've been stuck in my bed since thursday night and i still feel the same. it sux bein sick, i can really sympathize with all those that have been sick for long periods before me. not only do u feel miserable b/c ur body is sick, but everyone is havin a great time w/o u since they can. and ur sad, b/c u wanna be there too and know what's goin on, but u know u can't, so it makes u feel alone. grrr. stupid bein sick. i succumbed to the liquid medicine which makes me feel like i'm goin to throw up, but hopefully it will stop me bein stuffed up and sneezin for a while. who knows. hope everyone is havin fun tonight.