My awesome day:

Mar 25, 2010 09:26

Yesterday was pretty cool. And it's mainly for the last half to a third that I'm writing this, but I just felt like writing something about my life.

Awesome Thing #1: In my composition class for PSEO at a local community college, I got an 100% on my essay. I always feel like I struggle with writing clearly focused essays, but that was my instructor's comments on it. :D Big YAY.

Awesome Thing #2: I sat at a different table in said composition class. This doesn't appear to be as huge as it is. The very first day of the semester, I picked a table and sat at it. Only to find that the general population of that table consisted of A. Girl-Who-Failed-The-Class-Last-Time-And-Couldn't-Care-Less-Except-For-The-Fact-That-She-Now-Has-To-Repeat-It. B. Guy-Who-Hates-The-Book-We-Were-Reading-And-Doesn't-Turn-In-Homework. C. Other-Guy-Who-Hates-Book. D. John-Who-Actually-Does-Homework-And-Sometimes-Talks-To-Me-In-The-Hallway.

And me. Who liked the book we read, does the homework, and wants to get an A really badly in this class (even though the professor is a tough grader).

So I sat at a different table yesterday, like I'd been wanting to do all semester. And it was awesome. The other students were paying attention and taking notes and doing the homework.... it was beautiful. :D

Awesome Thing #3: The sole reason I'm posting this.

Yesterday, the seniors in my youth group (me among them) went to see the Dead Sea Scrolls. The Science Museum in my state has some of the original 2000 year old scrolls in a special display. The exhibit had a whole section on the history, and culture, and context of the scrolls, and what they meant (my youth group  had been going through that in our small group study, so it was pretty neat that the actual scrolls we'd been talking about were on display). Finally, we came to this darkened room, and there were plaques and banner things on the wall. They had excerpts of the Psalms, Isaiah, Genesis, and other books of the BIble, and below them, on tables, were the scrolls those fragments were from. Naturally, there was glass over them, and it was probably temperature and humidity controlled underneath the glass, but I was six inches away from a document that had been written 2000 years ago, around the time when Jesus Christ was walking the earth. It was above and beyond the most amazing thing I've ever seen. Really really awesome!

And I just wanted to share. :D

&chatty post

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