Feb 10, 2011 12:24

GIMP Tutorial #42

From this
 to this

Requested by lover_of_narnia (took a while, but it's here! :D)

Open your image and prep it (crop, scale, etc).

The first thing I did was to duplicate my base and set it to Soft Light 100%, to add more contrast.

However, then it was waaaaaay too dark, so I duplicated that layer and set it to Screen 100%. I didn't like the way it whited out the light spots on his face, so I added a layer mask, copy/pasted the base layer into the mask, and inverted it. It loses a bit of its brightness then, so I duplicated that screen layer.


I added a fill layer of #fcebeb and set it to Burn 100% to bring out his pink skin tones a bit more, and to darken it just a bit.

I merged my layers here. I wanted to make it a tad brighter and more colorful, so I went to Colors>Hue-Saturation and input these settings:

Master: 0, 5, 30

As far as color goes, that's much better. However, it's still quite dark, so I used Levels to brighten it up (Colors>Levels)

Value: 10, 1.29; 255, 0, 255
Red: 22, 1.33; 255, 0, 255
Green: 14, 1.20; 255, 0, 255
Blue: 29, 1.33; 255, 0, 255

I was afraid that it was starting to look too much all one red color, so I duplicated that layer and opened up the channel mixer (Colors>Components>Channel Mixer) to fiddle with that. I wound up using these settings…

Red: 98, -5, -5

I set that layer to 35% to mute the blues. Merge layers.

I figured I could probably up the saturation a bit more again, so I duplicated my base and raised the master saturation to 50. I didn't want it all over his face though, just in the darker shadows and the like, so I set that layer to Soft Light 25%, which made it a bit more contrasted as well.

I noticed that the patch of hair up by his ear was much lighter than his hair normally is, so I added a transparent layer and painted over that section with #000000 and set it to Soft Light 75%.

And that is all!

If you have any questions, feel free to let me know. :)
Please do not copy exactly. 


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