GIMP Tutorial #37
From this
to this
, recreating this
Requested by
wunderkind_lucy .
I started out with this, since I was pretty sure I was going to erase the background, so I just didn't bother to add anything at the top to fill out my 100x100 image.
I duplicated my base and set it to Screen 70%.
I merged my layers and and went to the channel mixer (Colors>Components>Channel Mixer) to add more blue to the sky (even though I was going to be erasing it), and I believe it also made her skin a bit pinker.
Red: 110, -5, -10
Green: 5, 90, 5
Blue: 10, -5, 95
Then I used the brightness contrast tool to add the darkness back into her hair. I used these settings:
Brightness: -10
Contrast: +10
I used the color picker to pick an ivory/tan out of her sleeves. Then I put that as the background, and cut Susan out of her original scene (I used a layer mask and the paintbrush to do that).
Something I've been doing lately with my negative space icons is blurring the edges of the mask for a bit more seamless look. To do that, I added another layer of my tan color, copy/pasted the layer mask that I used to cut Susan out, and inverted that mask. Then I blurred the edges where I wanted the overlap. (my layer order looks like
I merged all my layers here. Then I duplicated the base and set it to Screen 25%. I was generally happy with my coloring here, so I moved on to adding textures.
I added
this texture by
infinite_muse However, it is pink, and I wanted to emphasize the blues of Susan's dress (that you really can't see very well at all, but the thought was there) so I went to the colorize tool (Colors>Colorize) and edited the colors to make it blue. I merged my layers and repeated my channel mixer steps from earlier to round out the blueness of the background.
I duplicated my base and went to levels to make it a tad brighter and more contrasty. I used these settings:
Value: 8, 1.10
Red: 12, 1.15
Green: 9, 1.10
Blue: 15, 1.15
It was not enough contrasty for my taste (I felt her hair could be a bit darker and her sleeves a bit brighter), so I went back the the Brighness/Contrast and used the same settings:
Brightness: -10
Contrast: +10
And that's it! Feel free to let me know if you have any questions! :)
Please do not copy exactly.