188 Road to Nowhere (Strangetown)

Aug 01, 2011 17:10

So, who broke her promise to focus on the 'hoods that don't get love, instead of those that do? That's right, me. I'm poking around Strangetown at the moment, because I have an idea about making over the Grunt house (I luv 'em - though Ripp would probably be at the bottom of the list, so I'm going against the usual there XD). But first, I made an apartment block for Strangetown since there is a lack of real estate there.

This is the empty lot - 188 Road to Nowhere - now called The 1-Eighty-8 in my 'hood.

Sort of looks like an old shed. Poor Strangetown sims!

Ground floor. There are four apartments, total. The apartments on each floor mirror each other - but one side is made nicer looking than the other.

First floor, and final two apartments. They are quite big apartments, so they will suit your families or roomies.

Roof - telescope is a must, isn't it? :D

Inside of the 'nicer' apartments.

Inside of the 'not-so-nice' apartments. Agh, a picture of the bathroom would be more helpful!

DOWNLOAD (zoned as Apartment) (Size: 655kb)
DOWNLOAD (zoned as Residential) (Size: 653kb)
- the only custom content is a one-tile window.
I have all EPs & SPs, so be aware if you are downloading.

!download, lot: apartment, hood: strangetown, mmo

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