Today I made some great progress on my Sim State University make-over - I've got five (yes, five, I am insane) make-overs done, and several more underway. For that reason - and that I've been promising these - I've decided to upload some of the other lots I've done.
Do you guys care if I spam you? Because I could just upload them all, or spread them out over a few days. Feel free to comment if I am spamming you too much. Oh, and if you have any ideas of what you'd like to see me tackle, I'm happy to take requests :D
The Monty side of Veronaville won't be going with the 'medieval' look. The Monty side definitely need a clean-up - they look more fresh now.
Over-view of the bathrooms and kitchen.
Games room.
Restaurant. I'm pondering having the Monty's buy this lot and this be the Monty restaurant that they apparently run. Or building them one...can't decide.
Entertainment area.
Coffee area.
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these painting recolours.
I have all EPs & SPs, so be aware if you are downloading.