Dec 06, 2009 20:27

I'm still alive lols and I am HEREEEEE, I changed my layout lols :D

Yes My TVXQ fandom is shinning through. :/

Yeah that's it.


I saw the most amazing...ist thing EVER. I missed my jrock fandom so I am trying to go back to it... then I saw something that made me lol and go.......



believe me it's something to WTF about.....

well atleast for me it was.

I used to be a HUGE fan of GACKT(used to?????! WHAT? D: nope still am xD). I used to deem him as sex on legs besides Yoshiki and Hyde but I always thought he was kinda insane (but in a sexy way).

well.... he really is insane.

his single Faraway... the alternate cover.

Here is the 1st cover:

see this isn't so bad, it makes u think, "wtf is this song about? interesting. possibly naked women or waving bras around?"

then u see the alt cover:

see if it were anyone else... I honestly would.... shoot them... but.. it's Gackt.

This cover makes you go...: "WTF?! PPPFFFTTTTTT GACKT!!!! xD"

yes they are naked holding underwear. I'm pretty sure that is Gacktjob.... yeah. this is just....

I.... have no real words for this cover. maybe except.... I still love Gackt.

spazz, fandom:gackt-dears-, wtf?

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