Jan 05, 2005 10:22
Why, dear baby Jesus, are the grocery stores still playing Christmas music? It's f-ing 2005 now, I think it's safe to put Burl Ives away until next year. I know it's scary, but you really just have to let go of the carols sometime. Sheesh. Makes me want to hurt somebody somedays.
It's snowing like...a lot outside. I was trying to think of a good example of what it was snowing like, but I couldn't think of anything appropriate. "Snowing like a blizard" seemed redundant and "snowing like my aunt Lisa" didn't seem right at all. So we'll stick with like, a lot. The parking lot is completely covered in white and I'm sure my car is along with it, which means more fun dusting off of car when it's time to leave work. My only consolation in all this terrible ordeal (*coughsarcasmcough*) is that I don't have to go to work tommorrow! Tomorrow is Graduates Day at AVS so I get to go party with all my old school buddies and not have to do a damn thing else all day. Oh yeah.
Missa wants the Sims 2. Missa was terribly, terribly addicted to the Sims when they first came out (especially when she figured out you could drown the little men by removing the ladder which helped them out of the pool) and now she wants the new one. However, there is a problem. Missa's comptuer is probably not capable of running Sims 2 because it is a POS. It is old, it is slow and it is BAAAAAADDD most of the time. Missa loves her computer, though, so she doesn't want to bad mouth it too much. But in order for her to get Sims 2 she has to go out and buy more RAM. RAM is expensive. So is Sims 2. Missa is faced with a connundrum. See Missa pine. Pine, Missa, pine. Does anyone else have an opinion of this game that they would like to share?
In other news, James and I went out and finally bought the Star Wars box set, which has all of the original movies remastered, tricked out and slathered in butter. It also had a seriously pimped out trailer for Episode III, which I would like to call "Potential for Suckage". It might be good, it really might. James Earl Jones is in it, which bolsters my confidence significantly, but I don't think Hayden (much as I love the boy) can handle the demands of the role. He's just not good enough, I'm afraid. I think he'll either turn Darth Vader into an overblown, way-too-badass bad guy or he'll underplay the role and Darth Vader will be like, "Whatever, dude. I'm choking you with my MIND." I really hope that the rest of the cast can make up for his potential suckage. I also might go see it just to see the ass-kicking Yoda. That was what made Episode II watchable for me. That and Natalie Portman. Mmmm....