I was talking with my mom last night, just chatting about idle things and being somewhat giddy about my .50 cent raise, when she mentioned that I didn't update my livejournal nearly enough. I was like, "You still check it?" she replied, "Sure! I like to know what's going on." Not that I don't tell her what's going on anyway, but I am going to make a conscious effort to update ye old journal with more regularity. Today's post is brought to you by the letter yay and the number six.
Why six you might ask? Well that's the number of poems I've written in the last several days. I've been on this insane poem kick and it's gotten so bad I can hardly stare out the window without feeling the beginnings of a poem creeping up on me, ready to strike. I'm posting a few of them over at
ddeatheater (I know you've all heard this before, but I mean it this time, I'm seriously doing it right now.) just to give you an idea of the acid trip my brain has been journeying on lately. It's a bit screwy, really, and most of the poems make little sense, but they're fun anyway.
Also, six is the number of pages in the new And Should We Chance To Meet background paper that I'm writing. I got so fed up with trying to write that story and having nothing come out that I sat down one night and I said, "Donovan, give me backstory or I shall eat your babies." and he said, "Right-o" and proceeded to fill my mind with pictures and storylines from the place that he, Maia, Jeris and Daphne used to live. None of you will most likely ever see this backstory, but once it is finished I believe it will be most benificial in writing the actual plotline itself.
There is no other reason for using the number six except that I like it. It's a good number. Like, yay and things.
I'm really tired, it's five in the morning and I had to get up so that I could work the early shift today. This is the shift I am hoping to change to permanently so I had better get used to it, but it seems like such an EARLY time to get up. At least I'm gonna miss most of the traffic, though, that's a bonus. And I get to leave at 3:30 in the afternoon, which is another happy, happy thing. If I get this schedule permanently I plan to try and go to do a few college courses after work, now that there would be a few hours between after work and going to bed ^_^. My first plan is to take French. I wish to learn the beautiful language so that I might go back to France and actually be able to ask for some water or where the bathroom is. I think those are useful skills, personally. It also might enable me to go to France *dun dun duuunnn* ALONE. Missa wishes to take a writer's sabatical in France and just sit on her arse writing for about 3 months until her money/food supplies dry up and she has to return to the good ol' US of A to climb into Mommy's lap and seek financial security.
Speaking of France, I'm finally typing up the journal entires I made while I was there. Here is one of them for your viewing pleasure:
Currently I am on a plane bound for Cinncinatti where we are going to connect to our flight to the Gattwick Airport in England. It's funny, as soon as we got on the plane I fell asleep. I slept through the whole instructional safety orientation, so now I fear I amy not know where all the emergency exits are. Thank god they plastered signs all over the plane or I would never have guessed that my seat cushion could be used as a flotation device. How about that?
So far the flight has been nice. I'm really, really grateful for James's portable DVD player or the flight might have been wholly awful. I'm glad he's such a gadget boy or I might've been horribly bored. We just finished watching 'Revenge of the Pink Panther" and I laughed my freaking ass off. The peopl in front of us kept turning around and giving me weird looks, but I didn't particularly care. I was like, "Hello! See the DVD player? Look, it's Peter Sellers setting some guy on fire!" Am I not the only one in the world who thinks Peter Sellers was maybe just a little bit cute? There was just something about him. Maybe I'm nuts but whatever. He was somewhat cute and twice my age, just the type of guy I go for ^_^
The frist thing I did when I got on the plane (other than fall asleep) was read Ashie's letter. It was so sweet! I feel bad for not talking to her more before I left. I had such a good time talking on the phone (or pheun as the Inspector would say) with her. We giggled and, well, it was just fabulous. James says I'm a dork, but she really means a lot to me so poop on him.
Blarg you know wthat feeling where your stomach tries to crawl up into your throat and choke you to death? That's what I'm feeling right now. I don't do to well with plane landings. I think it's that ear problem I had as a child (or maybe the 'Nam wound) that cause me such problems. Meh, oh well. I'll just sit tight and wait for my stomach acids to eat through my neck and attack the rest of the passengers.
And the dude in front of my has yet to return his seat back to the full upright position. Maybe he slept through the safety video too.