Oct 04, 2010 21:59
I woke up in a shitty mood. I don't know exactly what made me feel on edge, but I had no interest in trying to feign excitement for the simple things at work. I still pretended a positive attitude most of the day, but I did warn all my students that I was lacking in patience.
I want to place blame, but I don't know where to start. I could blame myself for not trying to get back into Insanity, or for being pushy yesterday. I could blame Adam for being distant because of his horrible schedule and high amounts of stress. I could blame work for being slow or weddings for being irritating. I just know that I want to feel this way. I want to be upset. It might be a survival mechanism or a venting system, but I really just want to be pissy today.
At least I did the fit test. I was angry enough with myself to get up and do something. I am going to do my workouts from week three (day 15) and try to keep going.