finals, SMTOWN and updates~

May 21, 2012 09:01

Alright so I meantioned before that I was going to SMTOWN. well I did >:D the venue was small enough that even though  I felt like I was way to far away I was able to see everything without looking at the screen unless I really wanted a good look at their face C: it was AMAZING! I am still in LA and my friends are still asleep. I'll put up how my weekend went later today. I lost my voice from screaming too much LOL. I am kinda tired but my internal alarm clock is stupid and wont let me go back to sleep ;~; I have a final in mt Theater 100 class and then a birthday party to go to UGH IDEK what to do with my life Y________Y. anyways. this week is all of my finals. today theater. tomorrow is a study day , Wenssday is My music class final and then Thursday is my last final. after that I will be done for the summer ;A:. SOOOO with that being said. on Friday I will be uploading something for u guys. it is actually done but I need to ask a friend of mine to beta it ;A: so yeah that is al I got ;~: I'll tell u more about my adventures and what not when I am not studying ^^

life, updates

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