Okay so Jack did a bad thing a long time ago. And I think he probably would've found some way around it, except it is entirely possible that he was not as in touch with humanity then as he is now. And we know that one kid got away - how did the aliens, who were so demanding of the specific amount they wanted, did not notice that.
I still totally love Gwen's jacket and wish I was skinny enough for one of those. xD And I also love how confident Gwen has become in her role in Torchwood; how comfortable she is in working with Jack and Ianto. I know it's been a while since Tosh and Owen died, but it had to have been anything BUT easy for them.
Oh Rupesh. You're adorable. But... "You're Torchwood. Everyone talks about you." Hm. They shouldn't be. Yeah sure, a few people know about Torchwood, but nobody really knows who they are or what they do - it's a secret for a reason. At least, that's the way it was. As evidenced by Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, when the woman driving says "Bloody Torchwood," she just knows they're looking for something unnatural - a blowfish driving a sportscar.
"Ask about Torchwood, most people point towards the bay." WHY? HOW DO THEY KNOW?
Jack: Stop being a whiny ass about being called a couple. Ianto: Stop making a big deal about it. You were never angsty about it before! Where did this come from?!
I've said this ever since they started showing previews last summer. The kids? They do an AMAZING job at being absolutely terrifying. WE. WE. WE. WE. WE. WE. WE. WE. WE ARE. WE ARE. WE ARE. WE ARE. WE ARE COMING. WE ARE COMING. WE ARE COMING. WE ARE COMING. WE ARE COMING. And OH HI, there's the child that got away so long ago!
The Torchwood team is just so open about who they are and what they do! I don't understand why or when this happened.
I don't remember what position Bridget holds, but I'm pretty sure there's no way she'd give her username and password to a temporary secretary that just started THAT DAY. Which means most of the things Lois Habiba (I don't know how to spell her name...) does through this series would have been impossible.
Ianto has a point in that English isn't the dominant language in the world, it's Mandarin Chinese. Why doesn't Jack know that? And this still begs the question - why does every child speak English?
RHYS IS SMART. Gwen made a racial joke about Filipinos. BUT RHYS IS SMART! Every child is speaking English because they are targeting the UK and the dominant language is English! But I'm pretty sure this is never brought up in Torchwood company - this intel just stays between Rhys and Gwen. ><
Dear Jack: You just got up and walked off with no explanation whatsoever, just a "see ya later," and you think Ianto is being all couple-y because he wants to know where you're going? No! Torchwood has got this huge issue on its hands that none of you understand, and he is right to want to know where you're going, what you're thinking - you're all on the same team, you should all be on the same page. TL;DR STOP MAKING A BIG DEAL ABOUT THIS "COUPLE" THING!
This whole "I need a kid" thing is just awkward. They do still have children's homes, orphanage-type things in the UK, right? I'm not trying to be a bitch in saying it, I just think it'd be easier than trying to take grandsons or nieces away from their parents. They had to introduce the families somehow, though, didn't they?
Yanto's sister is absolutely adorable, and I love the way she pronounces his name. :D "Have you gone bender?!" I repeat: I love Ianto's sister. The sister's husband, however? Bit of a bastard. Dx "Oi, gayboy! Hear you're takin' it up the ass!"
ADORABLE OLD MAN IS ADORABLE. Just sayin'. And his being a bit off his rocker is completely understandable. Once again: How did the aliens not notice they were missing a kid? I also think it's really intriguing that he's got this strange sense of smell. Gwen is so good at talking to Clem and getting the story out. It's adorable! (Gwen haters, to the left.)
How the hell does the government have capabilities of hacking into Torchwood's computer systems? That's the only way they'd be able to intercept their searches, right?
Rupesh, I wanted to like you. I really did. You bastard. And why can't we find out NOW who these people are working for? I'm assuming they wanted the element of mystery, but when some woman that you've never seen before is cutting Jack open and planting a bomb in his tummy, and you don't know why, not knowing who she's working for is more of an annoyance than anything else.
Jack is killed. By someone he vaguely trusted. He wakes up, is on a gurney, sees a strange woman, and is killed again. When he wakes up again, he's back on the floor. He knows this technology for cutting and instantly healing skin exists, Rupesh saw him use it, someone was messing with him while he was dead, and now Rupesh is dead, as well. JACK IS SMARTER THAN THIS, RTD. "Maybe we're being targeted." Yeah. You know you're being targeted. There's no "maybe." Jack has his secrets, but he should be starting to get an idea of what this is. After all, the 456 used the radio frequency in the 60s, which means they alerted their presence, so Jack should have a clue by now. He should also know that the government wants to cover this up, because that's what governments do. I REPEAT: JACK IS SMARTER THAN THIS.
GWEN'S PREGGERS! Hooray for Jack putting his hand down on the scanner, at least. [[Speaking of which, I don't really think it's possible to take a scan of your hand, which doesn't give anything medically relevant except for like, your pulse, and get a full-body checkup done in about 30 seconds. I could be wrong. The technology may in fact exist now or in the future. I don't have a clue. It just doesn't seem likely. But that's a small thing in comparison with some other issues. xD]] Aaaand now the bomb suddenly shows up on all the computer systems, with all the specs, blast radius, impact time and all that stuff... there should've been something that picked it up as soon as he walked into Torchwood. I mean really. They have defense systems out the wazoo, they don't have one to detect explosives?! (Jack still has a thing for Gwen, for real. Not that Ianto is a "consolation prize" or second choice or anything... he just has always had a thing for Gwen.)
That kiss. That Jack/Ianto kiss makes up for a lot of bullshit in COE. Not everything, because well, it's like 2 seconds of YAY in the middle of five hours of HOMG WTF.
Blast radius: one mile. Gwen and Ianto did not get away fast enough or far enough for it to cause that little damage to them. Especially not Ianto. So either the computer system overestimated the radius, which I doubt, ooooor... yeah, I got nothin'.
Aaaaand that's the end of the episode. I actually kinda liked this one the first time through; there wasn't a ridiculous amount of Torchwood ineptitude. And things that made the fans revolt didn't happen, either. Jack dies... but that's nothing new. xD