My goddamn rock solid ghetto shiznit name is Tempestuous Shizzlemah.
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Rum and Monkey.
Today i went to the Baseball game with Chelsea for a little bit.I left in like the 5th inning or something and we were winning 9-4 against Stevenson.I dunno what the score for JV was but i dont curr because Varsity is better :) .Jimmy Conrad was there and i talked to him :) i <3 him to death he is awesome.
Work tonight was slow it was boring i wanted to shoot myself.I only made $13...13 frickin dollars man i usually make between $20 and $30...$13 is really bad.But on a lighter note there was a lot of good looking guys there tonight :) hahahahhaaaa yeaaaah idk man
Tomorrow i might hang out with amanda...if i have money yah know cuz im broke like a Bum on the streets of Detroit...well im going to try and get some sleep because we have to turn the clocks ahead an hour >:-o gaynesssss