Last car ride: coming home from the freshman lacrosse practice with kelly
Last kiss: while ago
Last good cry: today
Last library book checked out: dont know...been too long
Last movie seen: 50 frist dates
Last book read: The Magicians Nephew
Last cuss word uttered: shit
Last beverage drank: Chocolate Milk
Last food consumed: Pancakes
Last crush: Teddy
Last phone call: Tricia
Last TV show watched: Brady Bunch
Last time showered: this morning
Last shoes worn: my etnies
Last CD played: my caribbean one
Last item bought: Gas
Last downloaded: Some hawaiian thing
Last annoyance: hmmmm
Last disappointment: idk
Last soda drank: Dr.Pepper....oh yeah amanda
Last thing written: idk
Last key used: house
Last words spoken: my stomach hurts
Last sleep: last night/this morning
Last IM: Francesca
Last ice cream eaten: rainbow sherbert
Last time amused: 6th hour....juicy fruit amanda juicy fruit!
Last time wanting to die: today
Last time in love: alex as i think of it
Last time hugged: Tricia i think
Last time resentful: what?
Last chair sat in: the chair im in now jackass
Last lipstick used: nope
Last underwear worn: blue victorias secret
Last time dancing: on friday with cosio and cassandra
Last poster looked at: shane west on my closet :)
Last web page visited: livejournal
1 MINUTE AGO: was typing
1 HOUR AGO: just got home
1 DAY AGO: coming home from tricias
1 WEEK AGO: was sitting on the internet...sure why not
1 YEAR AGO: damn...i dont remember
I HURT: my back
I LOVE: noone
I HATE: certain people
I FEAR: of dieing and being alone
I HOPE: that the person i like likes me
I FEEL: sick
I HIDE: what i really feel
I DRIVE: a '96 Dodge Neon Baby
I MISS: my sister and hawaii
I NEED: to sleep
I THINK: too much
+ Name: Merissa
+ Birthday:June 17
+ Nicknames: Missa,Missy,Meris,7,Me-M,Me-M and M,Riverdancing Bitch,Aunty Me-M,Slugger,Mer-7,Fag,Rissa Roo
+ Location. cfield
+ what are you doing right now? this.
+ what are you wearing? CMU Hoodie,pants and under garements
+ Do you like your neighbours? yes
+ what’s your magic number? a magical one
+ Do you smoke drink or do drugs? no
What comes to mind when you hear these names?
+ Blair. zajac
+ Shannon. Fettue
+ Thomas. Vandorean
+ Scott. Simmerson
+ Lawrence. Tech University
+ Aaron. Morey
+ Heather. Trombley
+ Chris. Woodward
+ Mallory. Hood
+ Chaquita. Banana?
+ colour. hot pink black and purple
+ Car. Cadillac Escalade with 26 inch spinners and a Dodge Ram 1500
+ Food. mexican
+ Drink. nething good
+ Store. abercrombie,american eagle,pac sun,hot topic,thrift stores....a variety
+ Outfit. idk
+ Boyfriend/girlfriend. alex
+ Song. idk too many
+ Singer. Eminem
+ Movie. Sixteen Candles
+ Pair of socks. adidas
+ Saying. "Faggot Dont touch me" "Get that smile off that face before i get it off for you"
+ Animal. cats
When was the last time you.
+ Showered. this morning you already asked me
+ Kissed some one. you already asked me
+ Went to a movie. over a week ago
+ Cried. already asked me
+ Talked on the phone. about 10minutes ago
+ Paged someone. i dont page bitch
+ Lied. a while ago
+ Cheated on someone. never
+ Ate nerds. halloween
+ Drank welchs grape juice. idk
+ Watched the country channel. last week
+ Shaved ANY part of you body and what part. my legs and armpits and arms this morning
+ do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend. no
+ what’s their name.
+ How long have you been going out.
+ Have you ever been in love. yes
+ who was the best kisser. Dan
+ Have you ever cheated on i have never cheated on ne1. no
+ what’s your favourite thing to do with that special someone. just spend time with them and do fun things together
+ What’s the best present you’ve gotten from someone. the ring alex got me
+ What qualities do you like in a guy or girl. honesty and a good personality and not completely hideous.
+ whose your best friend. amanda, the pink ladies, tricia, cassandra, cosio, megan, pat, vince, kristy, teller, anne and lovins, cindy
+ what makes your best friend. we do fun stuff together and talk....hahahahahahahahaha
+ what do you guys do for fun. hahahhaahahahahahahahahahahaha im still laughing im on the ground hahahahaha
+ who is your oddest friend. ummm..............idk
+ who is your funniest. amandas the funniest,then cindy,then idk lol
+ who is your happiest friend. all
+ Who is your most annoying friend. hmm *steve urkel*
+ who is always there for you. all
+ Best guy friend. Vince Pat and Teddy
+ Friend who could be more.
>+ was this survey fun?.no now go shoot yourself
+ Do you think we need to get a life. hahaha
+ Are you a virgin. yes
+ who wants to be a millionaire. MEMEMEMEMEMEMEMMEME!
+ Ever been to the Salisbury Zoo. no but the steak is good hahahahaha
+ what did you do on Halloween. go trick-or-treating you shit head
+ what’s your favourite Scary movie. The Ring
+ Do you know what I did last summer? went gay
+ Do you believe in magic. from a young girls heart?
+ When was the last time you ate a jawbreaker. idk
+ what’s your favourite magazine. idk...your spelt favorite wrong...go to grade school fag
+ Do you own a furby. yeah its dead lol
+ what does your boyfriend or girlfriend call you. wouldnt that be the same as nicknames
+ what’s your middle name. lyn
+ Do you stink. no
+ what do you think of cheerleading. its ok
+ what brand of deodorant do you use. secret shhhhh
+ Worst kiss. ha
+ anyone you think is homosexual. umm are you asking if i think anyone is homosexual cuz if you are i know a lot who are
+ Do you watch PORN. no..but why is PORN capitalized?
+ your thoughts on abortion. idk
+ what do you want for Christmas. a Medium Blue Cadillac Escalade w/26's...u know like this one Are you stressed out...if so from what. yes from things like your mom
+ what do you wear to the beach. a bathing suit dumbass
+ Do you believe in angels. sure
+ Do you want a puppy. yes
+ Are u a flirt. yeah
+ Last time you were scared. last nite
+ by what? i heard something at my window...on the second floor haha
+ Number of times I have been in love. once
+ Number of times I have had my heart broken. too many to count.....
+ Number of hearts I have broken. 0
+ Number of boys I have kissed. sorry dont keep track
+ Number of men I've slept wit.ummmmm........none!
+ Number of continents lived on. 1
+ Number of drugs taken illegally. none
+ Number of people I would classify as true, could trust with my life type friends. 5
+ Number of people I consider my enemies. :) :)
+ Number of people from high school that I stayed in contact with. still in high school
+ Number of cd's that I own. like over 100
+ Number of piercings. 1
+ Number of tattoos. 0
+ Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper. 0
+ Number of scars on my 3
+ Number of things in my past that I regret. i'm not sure