Mar 27, 2004 13:54
1)Starting time: 2:15 p.m.
2)Your name: Merissa
3)Nickname: Mer-7, 7, Missa, Missy, Meris, Cinnamon, Bertha, Fag, Rissa Roo, Riverdancing Bitch
4)Screen name: MeEeRrRiiSsSA
5)Eyes: Hazel
6)Height: 5'6
7)Pets: dog
9)Been so drunk you blacked out: Nope
10)Taken any illegal substances?: nope
11)Gone out in public in your pajamas: yup
12)Missed school because it was raining: nope
13)Set any body part on fire for amusement: nope
14)Kept a secret from everyone: yeah
15)Cried during a flick: yupp
16)Had a crush on someone out of reach: Havent we all?
17)Cheated or was the someone cheated with: no
18)Had a crush on a teacher: Mr.Drops man... :)
19)Ever thought an animated character was hot: noooooooo
20)Ever at any time owned a New Kids On The Block tape: I THINK WE STILL HAVE IT!!!HAHA IM EXCITED NOW!!
21)Planned your week based on the TV guide: ummmm no
23)Shampoo: umm.... no habla ingles?
24)Hair Color: brown
25)Day/Night: Day
26)Summer/Winter: Summer
28)Lace or satin: Satin
29)Cartoon character: Spongebob, Timmy Turner and Kenny the Shark
30)Greatest experience: Drum Major Camp
31)Who have you known the very longest out of all your friends: Amy and Kristina
32)Who's the loudest: Cassandra and Tricia and Amanda when she wants to be lol
33)Who's the shyest: Amy and Kristina
34)Who do you go to for advice: Amanda
35)Have you cried and who do you cry with?: idk what the hell kinda question is this???
36)Do you like anyone: yesss
37)Do they like you: i hope sooo :/
38)Who's this person: teddyyyyyy :)
39)Have you tried for them: I'm not sure what that means.
40)Do they have a girlfriend or boyfriend: No
41)Do they live near you: yupp about 2 minutes away!! :)
42)Cried: Yes
43)Why did you cry: i have my reasons
44)Cut your hair: no
45)Worn a skirt: no
46)Met someone new: yupp yupp
47)Missed someone: yes
48)Hugged someone: yes
49)Fought with your parents: yupp
50)Wished upon a star: i dont do it anymore because it doesnt work and it sucks :)
51)Laughed until you cried: haha oh yess
53)Watched a sunrise or sunset: yeah usually when i wake up or on my way to school
54)Went to the beach at night: nope about 4 1/2 months ago i did
55)Spent quality time alone: no
56)Read a book for fun: yes
57)Ate a meal: ummm yeah im not anorexic
58)Are you lonely: kinda
9)Are you happy: sort of
60)God/Devil: yeah
61)Love: yeah
62)The closet monster: yeah cuz pat sarver is the closet monster lol
63)Magic: Sabrina the Teenage
64)Heaven/Hell: yeah
65)Superstitions: nooooo
66)What is your full name: Merissa Lyn Iiadhisd
67)When was the last time you showered: 3 1/2 hours ago
68)wearing right now: Tequila Shirt, Independent Hoodie, Black Basketball Pants and under garments
69)What song are you listening to right now: Me eating my FRICKIN DORITOS!
70)What was the last thing you said online: lol
71)What is your computer desk made of: wood...fake wood i think
72)What is your favorite number: 7 of course
73)What was the last thing you ate: DORITOSSSSSS
74)Where do you want to go on your honeymoon: Hawaii or Florida
75)How's the weather right now: warm...about 55 degrees maybe 57
76)Have you ever smoked pot: noppeee
77)What did you do last night: hung out with my hos cosio and cassandraaa
78)What do you look for in the opposite sex: Good Personality and good sense of humor
79)How are you today: pretty good...i feel a little sick i have a cold...again
80)How do you eat an oreo: i dont eat oreos
81)If this Saturday, you could do ANYTHING you wanted, what would you go do: Go to a dinner and a movie with Teddy :) :)
82)What guy/girl do you want more than anyone else: Teddy
83)Have you ever won any awards and what for: MOST SPIRITED MARCHER!Hehehe
84)Who's your best/good friends: Pink Ladies, Cosio, Cassandra, Tricia, Megan, Sarah, Amanda, Pat, Mike, Vince, Teddy
85) What are your future goals: go to CMU
86) Music: anthing that sounds good
87) Movie: comedies and thriller
88) Month: June
89)Guys/girls: same as my best friends right?
90)Do you like to dance: yupp
91)Fast or slow: both
92)Are you too shy to ask someone out: yes
93)If you could change your name what would it be: Riley
94)Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: sometimes lol
95) Have you ever been in love: yes
96)What is the stupidest thing you have ever done: hmm..
97)What will your first sons name be: Kyle
98)First daughter: Riley
99)Do you like scary or happy movies better: both
100)On the phone or in person: in person
101)Lust or love: love
102)If you could change something about yourself what would it be: too many things to name
103)Have you ever went out in public in just your underwear: no
104)What turns you on?: your mom
105)What is your favortie color: hot pink, black and purple
106)What is your favorite food: Blackened Chicken with French Fries and...RIBS!
107)What is your favorite animal: cat
108)toothpaste: the kind i have in my bathroom
109)favorite sport: Hockey
110)favorite team: Red Wings.
111)what do you collect: beer bottle caps so i can hopefully make my belt soon
112)whats your favorite store: thrift store
113)do you shop at walmart: heck yeah
114)what are you doing right now: doing this survey and listening to renelle play piano and shes actually pretty da*n good at it too...and im eating doritos...i think im obsessed with doritos lol
115)What time did you finish: 2:35
So last nite i hung out with cosio and cassandra. We went to starbucks again and got the chocolate brownie thing then we went to the mall and walked around and went in stores. We saw Tim and Ronnie and his G-Unit shoes lol it was cool. We also saw Alex and Katie.
So me and Cosio(cassandra was in young jones) were sitting watching Shrek on this TV thing by the kids play area.So we sit on the ledge and we start watching Shrek then some kid walks in front of the TV and everything just shuts off and cosio is like "What the f*ck did you do little kid" but she didnt say it loud enough so he can hear lol. So we are sitting there waiting for it to come on and waiting for Cassandra. So Cassandra comes back and then all of a sudden some little kid is crawling on the ground and cosio is like "OMG!" and jumps!May i say that was the moment of the nite!
After the Mall we went to Panera on 23 and Gratiot and i got some Jones Soda. We just sat there and talked about school, Mr. Cosens and guys and stuff. Paul Evans was working so before we left and went and talked to him for about a good 15minutes. After that i took them to cosios and i went home
So this morning i woke up and watched my brother for about an hour. Then i got in the shower and got dressed and decided to clean my car...It took me 2 hours to clean my car 2 hours to clean it. I cleaned it inside and out. Vaccumed the inside, washed the inside, sprayed febreeze on the seats and i waxed the dashboard. I also waxed the outside of my car and washed it...its so clean and smells good hehehe im excited. My car is my baby...i love my bessy II. Tonight im working which hopefully will be fun and i hope i make some good $$$$ cuz i need it for the cruise next year :)
Heros of the Weekend:Cosio, Cassandra and Amanda(chewing gum..yesss)