Mar 11, 2007 01:13
I hate being sad for no reason.
I am very overwhelmed with this deep depression, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with me, or around me.
I am so confused.
What is my problem?
I am even more upset with how sad I am, and the lack of reason. So I am sad because I am sad, but I am sad because I am sad. Vicious cycle.
"I eat too much because I am depressed, and I am depressed because I eat too much."
Same logic, right?
I adore my friends that don't live by the rules of the mentors: find her, feel her, fuck her, forget her.
I adore some of them that listen and try to soak in that idiotic nonsense knowledge, but that's the knowledge of someone who's going to sleep with whores the rest of their life, or at least until they're all gross, then they'll sleep with no one, and probably never get married.
But that could just be my opinion.
how non-classy.