Somehow, I managed to blow up two eggs in two days. Yesterday I tried boiling an egg for lunch...but forgot about it when I started reading the papers. I only remembered the fire was still on when I smelled something burning and rushed to the kitchen to see that all the water had boiled away. And then! When I took the lid away from the saucepan and began aiming the fans at the cloud of black smoke, the egg suddenly went BAM and then there was yellow and white stuff everywhere.
Then this morning I just wasn't thinking straight and thought I'd eliminate having to boil water by sticking the egg in the microwave. BAM BAM BAM and well, now the microwave door is just a little bit loose on its hinges. It just never occured to me that you're not supposed to microwave eggs. T_T I'm decent academically and all, but I see now that I pretty much fail at life. Especially when it comes to eggs.
But...........hey, it's all good. Because you know what? DUNDUNDUNDUN..........
I bought a pair of fishnet stockings with black lacy tops <3
Pretty much like
this, but those legs aren't mine. I'd love to have them though, so I'll be saving up for them now kthnx.
I see it as a sad testimony to how ridiculously girly I am that owning a pair of fishnets can suddenly make a bad week much, much better. ^____^ "