
Feb 06, 2008 21:08

I'm in the midst of a job-related quandary.

The situation - in brief.

Current job:  I absolutely love the workplace at a local level (the people, management, office culture, how my role is viewed/treated) however I am growing out of the content, which I flagged with my two Principals late last year.  I told them I was looking to move into a more management role (Marketing Manager as opposed to Marketing Coordinator as I am now) and divest myself of some of the more time-consuming admin-esque task my role currently encompasses.

(As a side note - at a national level, my job frustrates me - all our offices operate essentially independently for marketing, yet nationally they attempt to homogenise it.  This doesn't work because in some states there is a heavy focus on marketing (like Victoria) whereas in some others the "Marketing Coordinator" position is relegated to extra duties that the administration manager or a project secretary take on.  Obviously it then becomes extremely ineffective to treat all the positions, marketing approaches to each state the same - and Jill gets ANGRY.  It means that for instance things like promotions, career progression are virtually non existent because the marketing concept is so new to them that it is still very much in the teething stages.  So locally, I have input into practice strategy, do up my own planning etc - nationally I am viewed as a resource to facilitate direct mail campaigns....yaaayyy!!!!!)

They agreed to this in principle, and to me getting a marketing assistant to alleviate the workload/aid divestment of shit admin tasks.  Then I got told it was being put on hold for various reasons.  Only having been back at work a month, I was unimpressed to be working back until 2 am etc......

Which led me to apply for a position I saw advertised at a PR consultancy.  Which I have an interview for tomorrow.  It was advertised at approx. 50% increase of my current salary - and seemed a good match for my skill set.

Fast forward to today where my boss suddenly tells me that they will be pushing through my promotion, and also I have approval to recruit an assistant.  Hmmm.  Salary remains the same for the time being (well at least she didn't say anything about it) but reviews happen circa April.

Obviously I haven't got the new job yet but I think I have a good chance.  Also their website is SERIOUSLY ugly.

But then I think am I just holding out for magical things to happen at my current job that won't.  I will always not be the priority of that organisation - because architecture is their core business not marketing.  Fine to extent but I don't want to compromise my career and earning potential because I'm emotionally invested in the job.

But then I think how lucky I am to come to a workplace every day where I am genuinely excited to see the people and to be a part of that company.

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