we stayed in on a friday night to watch letterman!

Feb 14, 2008 18:45

Hey, you crazy kids. First and foremost, HAPPY V DAY! If I had more than $17 on my bopo card I would buy you all virtual roses for your LJ profiles; unfortunately that would most probably use all of my aforementioned $17 so have a SUPER VIRTUAL ROSE!

Romance News Of The Day: Anth Call and Tim Campbell are on. YEP!So virtual it hasn't even been picked from the rose bush. All I got today, for the record, was some chocolates from my mum so I hope some of you guys did better than that.
Also: may I be one of the first, m'dears, to welcome yazziyazziyazzi back into the country after her Canadian adventure. Woo! *throws confetti* And I just wanted to say, since two or three people on my f-list are going through hard times, that all of you are made of awesome and are legen-wait-for-it-dary and that things do get better in time if you just hang on and believe they will. Yeah, and that's about as inspirational as I can get today. It's sunny, yet I'm cold enough to put on my cardigan. What up with that?

Speaking of the f-list, today the girls at color_freakshow announced they're shutting the comm down, which sucks because they make awesome icons but is fine because now I get to stalk all the makers back to the other icon comms they used to post at. So here is me pimping out just_delicious (lots of variety), sundaysunshine (very unique) and saturdaysocials (light and fresh). I really need to get back into the iconating myself since I have time, but I guess I don't really know how I feel about only doing school two days a week. After June I'll probably have 5 classes as opposed to the 3 I have now and the workload will step up, so I don't know whether to go the job route or not. Post-mid year fitting it in would become damn tricky. It'd be nice if I could find a job that was only 2 or so days a week fixed but it's hard enough getting a first job when you're 18 regardless. Argh.

Oh yeah, and jsut in case you guys missed it, the writer's strike is over, to the point the networks are setting return dates for shows: CBS dates (HIMYM, NCIS, Numb3rs, Moonlight etc all back in March/April); NBC dates (Heroes and Chuck are postponed until September, but The Office is back in April) and we'll probably get a few more eps of Lost. Here's another return date list for everything else. Frankly I'm just happy that all our shows will be back in their regular fashion next season and we can all get back to normal, cause this whole thing was nuts. I feel like I will one day be telling my grandchildren the story of how I survived the 100 Day Strike That Shut Down Fandom while they ignore me and google sexual terms with the power of their minds through their internet glasses. Hey, it's ~the future~. See ya's.

flist, holiday, personal, icons, pics, blatant promos, wga strike

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