New layout! Well, I like it, besides the big empty bit at the top. I dunno why that's there and it's midnight, so I'll figure it out tomorrow sometime. By finding or making a header, no doubt. After having that old layout for like 20 years, this one (by
reversescollide) is a nice change. Check her out, cause she has some good simple S1 generator layouts (eg. the layout type most of you guys have) as well that I could definately set up for you.
I impressed myself with my fast CSS tweaking skills tonight. I rule.
MORNING EDIT: I revamped
_drivingblind while I was at it. Big bit at the top of this layout now gone. I think I'll just leave it like this for a bit. Also, fixed a bug in
_drivingblind's layout where the sidebar wasn't showing up in IE.